Aldbourne Heritage Centre

Deceased: ADAMS, Mark of Alborne

Admon issued: 30th December 1669 by Thomas HENCHMAN at Salisbury
Oath administered: 3rd January 1669[/70] by John NORRIS at Aldbourne

Will Signed: died intestate

Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/A/120

Renunciation of Administration

Know all men by these presents that I Anne Adams widow the relict of Mark Adams late of Alborne in the County of Wiltes yeoman deceased who died intestate doe by these presents renounce for ever disclame all and all manner of right and Title to the Administration of the goods Chatles and credits which were of the said Mark Adams my late husband; And doe desire that the Administracon thereof may be committed unto Katherine Adee widow mother of the said Mark Witnesse my hand & Seale the 18th day of December 1669.

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
            John ADEE
            The mark of
            Edward E BACON
The Mark of

Administration Oath

Thomas Henchman sacre theol[ogi]e Professor Arch[diaco]natus Wilts Arch[diaco]nus Dilectis nobis in [Christ]o mag[ister]is Johanni Norris, Johanni Rowland Chris[ti] con[-] div[-]m Salute in D[omi]no Ad deferendu[m] Juram[atus] iuxta forma hic subscripta Katharina Adee vid[ua] matri[a] Marci Adams nup[er] de Alborne in com[itate] et Arch[diaco]notu Wiltes pred[icta] Yeoman intestate[e] defunct nec non ad vidend cauc[-]nem sive obligatorem p[rese]ntibus mindand[?] p[er] p[re]fact[is] Kath: Adee et eius fideiussor su[-] sufficien[tes] signat sigillat et p[er] f[a]c[t]is eora[m] ad v[i]sum p[re]fat[us] D[omi]no Arch[diaco]n[us] Wiltes delibat[ione] Vobis ig[itu]r con[clusione]m et div[inu]m de quor[-]u fidelitatibus pluri[uru]m confidimus vires et auct[orit]atem n[ost]ras com[m]ittimus et imp[re]timur p[er] p[rese]ntes Mandantes quat[er]nus hui[usmod]i Juramento sic delecto ac oblige[ti]one sigillect Com[mission]nem hu[iusmod]i manibus vires p[ro]prius seu manu alterius vir[e]m subscript[um] Nobis (cum o[mnia] matura celeritate) debite transmittate Dat[um] Saru[m] subsigillo offoci[um] v[est]ri[um] xxij die Decembris An[n]o D[o]m[ini] 1669o
Jo[hannes] Gauntlett
Jo[hannes] Saintbarbe Reg[ist]rii Deput[ati]

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
            Jo[hannes] Gauntlett
            Jo[hannes] Saintbarbe
Reg[ist]rii Deput[ati]

The oath to be ministred
to Kath: Adee Wid[ow]
You shall sweare that Marke Adams y[ou]r Sonne late deceased died without making any last Will & testament soe far as you doe know & believe & that you will truly administer his goods by paying his debts soe far forth as his goods chattles & credits will thereunto extend & the Law shall charge you in the behalfe & alsoe doe exhibit a true Inventory of the s[ai]d Marke Adams goods & passe an accompt thereupon when you shalbe thereunto lawfully called Soe helpe you God by the contente of this booke.

Kisse the booke
The oath above written was ministered to the above named Katherine Adee Wid[ow]
the third day of January An[n]o D[o]m[ini] 1669o
by mee John Norris. Vicar
of Aldbourne

Administration Bond

Noverint universi p[er] p[rese]ntes Nos Katherina Adee Vid[ua] de Alborne in Com[itates] Wiltes et Joh[ann]em Adee de Alborne p[re]di[cte] tonsor Teneri et furni[to]r obligari Ven[erabil]i Vi[ca]ro Thomas Henchman theol[ogi]e Professor Arch[diaco]natus Wilts Arch[diaco]no in Ducentis libris legalis monete Anglie; solvend eid Ven[erabi]li Vi[ca]ro autsuorento attornato Exe[cuto]r Adm[inistrati]bus vel[is] assignatis suis Ad qua[m] quid[am] soluconem bene et fidel[itu]r faciend obligamus Nos et V[es]tr[u]m p[ro] n[ost]r[u]m p[er] quemlibet n[ost]rum per se pro toto et insolid[um] Ex[ecut]or et Adm[inistrato]res n[ost]ros furnitor per p[rese]ntes. Sigillis n[ost]ris Sigillat Dat[um] tricesimo die Decmbris An[n]o D[o]m[ini] 1669mo.

The condition is that if the above bounden Katherine Adee Doe well & truly administer all & singular the goods chattles & creditte of Marke Adams her Sonne late of Alborne in the County & Archdeconary of Wiltes yeoma[n] intestate deceased, that is to say, doe pay all the debts w[hi]ch the s[ai]d dec[ease]d did owe at the time of his life & death soe farr forth oas his goods chattles & credits will thereunto extend & the Law shall charge her in that behalf, & alsoe doe exhibit a true Inventory of the s[ai]d Marke Adams goods &c at or before the xxijth day of February next comeing, & further doe passe A true & p[er]fect Accompt of & upon her s[ai]d Adm[inistrati]on when she shalbe thereunto lawfully called, & such goods chattles & credits as shall remaine unadministered upon the foot of her s[ai]d accompt doe dispose in such manner as by the above named M[agiste]r Archdeacon, his Surrogate or any other competent Judge in that behalf shalbe allotted & set downe, then this obligation to be void otherwise to remaine in force.

Signat, Siggillat et delib[er]at[ione]
in p[rese]ntia
            Joh[ann]is Norris
            Robert m Peirce
                    his marke
 Katherine Adee
her Marke
John Adee


A true Inventory of all and singular the goods & Chattles and Credits of Marke Adams yeoman deceased late of Alborne in the County of Wilts [a]praysed at Alborne aforesaid the eighth day of January An[n]oq[ue] Dom[ini] 1669 by George Adams Thomas Collman Edw[ard] Bacon & Marke Stoneham yeomen as followeth Viz.

Imprimis his purs & Apparell & books 10-0-0
Item 139 sheepe the fold & Cayes 46-0-0
Item 13 tegs 3-5-0
In Calve Street barne
Item 19 q[ua]rters of Barly & peaze with straw & Chaff there & 6 pair of stadle stones 17-10-0
In the Home Barne
Item 7 q[ua]rters of Barly with the straw and chaff thereof 6-2-6
Item 30 q[ua]rters of oates and A p[ar]cell more of barly 20-0-0
In the Home Barton
Item 10 tun of hay 10-0-0
Item 4 Store pigs 2-8-0
Item 3 Cowes 6-0-0
Item 2 bullocks 1-10-0
In the Stable
Item 3 mares 11-10-0
Item A willee [?] 0-3-0
Item 3 Cart harnis 3 plow harnis A wood rope come holters and some Lumber 1-7-0
In the Barton more also
Item A dung cart wheeles pins & rindgely 3-10-0
Item A little Cart & wheeles 0-15-0
Item one old Cart lade & rindgly 0-10-0
Item 3 harrowes and tacklin 1-0-0
Item A plow with his tacklin 1-0-0
Item wood & timber in the Carthouse and barton with the garden hedge 4-10-0
In the mault house
Item 4 q[ua]rters of wheate 5-0-0
Item A greate Chest some straw Chaff & other lumber 1-0-0
In the wellhouse
Item The wellbucket A cheese presse & some other Lumber 0-5-0
Item The tallett over the Stable with fatches thereon 2-0-0
In the parlour
Item One long table board one round table and one side Cubbard 1-0-0
Item 4 Joynt Stools 0-5-0
Item 8 leather Chayres 1-15-0
In the hall
Item one long table board one side Cubbard 4 Joyne Stools & A chaire 1-5-0
Item A pair of Andirons A Jack two spits one Iron dripping pan fire pan tongs & hangles 1-5-0
Item A settle A bacon rack & Brass bow 0-10-0
Item 10 peeces of pewter 1-0-0
Item 2 Flaggons 0-5-0
Item A brass Cullender 0-2-0
Item 2 brass Potts 3 brass Kettles A bras pan 2 skillets & a Skinner 2-15-0
In the buttery
Item 6 lodgeing barrills 2 Stands A salting trough A meale trough A kine A powdering tub and some other lumber 1-15-0
Item 13 bosh[ells] of peaze 1-10-0
Item 6 old sacks A boshell [??] & Shovell 0-10-0
In the Kitchin
Item A furnace A mesh tub two bowles & A stand 4 wedges A hatchet A hamer A bill & some other Lumber 1-13-0
In the Chamber over the parlour
Item A bed with the furniture 5-0-0
Item 3 pair of sheets 2 table Clothes 18 napkins A side cubbard & Chest 3-10-0
over the buttery
Item one bed & furnitur 4-0-0
over the kitchin
Item A p[ar]cell of fatches & tills 1-0-0
Item A p[ar]cell of old harnis some iron & other lumber 1-0-0
Item A sadle bridle pillion & cloth 1-0-0
In the salting trough
Item 2 hogs of Bacon 3-0-0
In the feild
Item Corne upon the ground 7 acr[es] et ½ 7-0-0
Item 4 acr[es] et apaid to be sowen 2-10-0
Item A timber Chaine 0-5-0
Item wanscott and benches about the house 1-10-0
Item Debts owing to the sayd Marke at his decease 90-0-0
Item Soyle in the backside 1-0-0
Sum totallis 288-10-6
George Adams
Thomas Collman
Edw: Bacon
Marke Stonham
Exhibit[um] apud Saru[m]
xximo die Januarij nip[er]te
&c 1669o p[er] Jo[hanni] Gauntlett
No[atrium] pub[licum] Adm[inistratricis] per p[ro]cur[ator]is
per vero &c in p[er?]tia Jo[hanni] Saintbarbe