Under this page you will find a variety of records that might be useful when researching the history of Aldbourne.
If you are looking for a historic narrative visit the Village History group of pages.
External Resources and Links
BBC 1967 programme about Aldbourne: BBC Excavation Reports In Recent years there have been developer funded archaeological digs/reports in the village. The reports are public. Barnes Yard Valley View Lower Upham Coronel Farm North Farm valley gas pipeline Other Local History Groups Ogbourne St Andrew Chiseldon Wiltshire Field Archaeology Group Museums and Sites of Interest...
Maps (Know Your Place)
Know Your Place: Wiltshire is now online - this will let you view old maps of our area alongside new ones. We will be adding photos to the Aldbourne area on the map as well - it's well worth a visit ! You can play with the different version of maps to see how the...
Aldbourne Monuments Digital Record
Welcome to the Aldbourne Monuments Digital Record. These pages have been created as part of St Michael’s Churchyard Heritage Project. This comprises the monuments in Aldbourne’s two burial grounds, that of St Michael’s churchyard, and the much smaller Zoar Baptist graveyard near St Michael’s church. Monuments inside St Michael’s church will be added to this...
Historic Documents
As we locate and transcribe documents which provide original sources for information on the history of Aldbourne, we will add them here. Each entry will provide an article about the document iteslf, a summary of what it tells us about the village's history and a link to a further page or pages with the full...
Aldbourne Family Index
A Adams, Adee, Anchett, Appulby, Atte Well, Aubrey B Bacher, Bacon, Bakon, Barley, Brayse, Brown, Burges C Carowe, Carroll, Castell, Cepe, Chamberlain, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Collman, Colyngborne, Conyng, Corr, Coke, Cokes, Contes, Crest, Curtis D Dray E Essex F Fermor, FitzJames, Fowler, Fyltes G Gayn, Gilbert, Goddard, Gold H Hasytt, Hatt, Hobbes, Hobson, Holte J Jatt,...
Our Collection
We have a large collection of objects, artefacts and records relating to Aldbourne. We are proud to be among the first 21 museums to contribute their catalogue to the Museum Data Service which aims to provide a meta-catalogue covering the whole country. If you are interested in Aldbourne, you can search the whole catalogue and...
Vicars & Curates of Aldbourne
From To Vicar From To Curate 1301 Richard de Whityngdigh 1396 John ----- 1411 John Appulton 1414 William Goldinge 1423 Thomas Strongfer 1454 Roger Newton 1462 Simon Conneren 1474 Simon Elvington 1475 Thomas Shortbrygge 1478 John Stone ⴕ 1510 1544 - 19th...
Oral History
These are the tracks from the oral history CD published in 2007 by the Trustees of the Memorial Hall Julie Alder transcription Chris Barnes transcription Michael Barnes transcription (partial) Ted Barnes transcription Audrey Barrett transcription Cyril Barrett transcription Mabel Beckingham transcription Peggy Bendle transcription Ken Brind transcription