Aldbourne Heritage Centre

From the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre – Reference: 3/3 –
Terrier of lands belonging to John Southby in Aldbourne


Anno Dom[in]o Millesimo Sexcentesimo Nonaginto xj Octobris [11th October 1690]
A Terrier of all the land belonging to Mr John Southby … <unreadable> … Aldborne.
In ye South Field
Imprimis … <unreadable> … lying at ye … <unreadable> …
It[em] Five Yards lying a litle further fieldward in ye same furlong Three Yards of Parsonage Land on ye fieldward side thereof
It[em] Two acres & a half in ye same furlong shootingwise upon Lords Meade One halve of Vicarage Land on ye homeward side thereof
It[em] One halve in ye same furlong more fieldward being before Shooter One Acre of Vicarage land lying on ye homeward side half way at ye upper end
It[em] Two acre in ye same furlong a little more fieldward One Acre of Edward Witts on ye homeward side.
It[em] One Halve a litle more fieldward in the same furlonge One Acre of Vicaridge lying on ye fieldward side
It[em] Two Acres in ye same furlonge shooting on the highway a little below Lords Meade; One Halve of Widow Motts on ye fieldward side thereof.
It[em] One Halve lying below the wayside shooting towards Preston One halve of Anthony Savorys lying on ye lowerside next ye Brook.
It[em] One Acre lying above the way in the same furlong One Acre of Nathaniell Stonehouse on ye upperside thereof
It[em] One Halve upon the Lynchard above Nathaniel Stone[houses] Acre in the same furlonge
It[em] One Halve in ye same furlonge betwixt Two Lynches One Acre of John Browns lying on the Upper Lynch
It[em] One Halve in ye Same furlonge lying upon ye Lynch above John Browns Acre; being picked & at the Lynch on ye upperside a great part of ye furlong
It[em] One litle Plott of ground lying athwart the way at Preston Gapp, Commonly called an Acre; but some report it lyeth for Threehalves; One Halve or Yard of Parsonage Land One the fieldward side thereof shooting on ye highway
It[em] One Halve or Yard of Land lying on ye fieldward side of ye abovesaid Parsonage land in ye same furlonge
It[em] One Halve lying a litle fieldward betwixt Two Acres of John Browns in ye same furlong but shoots longer at ye upper end
It[em] One Peece called Combe=field=Peece being One & [halve] acres (that is to say) Three Acres thereof under Coppice Shooting upon Southwood Common And Three Acres thereof lying under Combe=field Hedge & Shooting upon part of the Three Acres and the rest against a Lynch And Seven Acres residue thereof lying side by side with the Eleven Acres only ye upper end Shooteth further betwixt the aforesaid Lynch and another Lynch on the homeward side at the upper end
It[em] One Acre more homeward lying One part under the Downe and the other part a Headland to Whatcombe furlonge
It[em] Three halves betwixt Two Lynches on the homeword side of Whatcombe Shooting towards South wood Common One Halve of Thomas Collines lying next under the Lynch on the fieldward side thereof
It[em] One Head Acre lying more homeward Shooting towards Southwood Lane haveing a Lynch on the upper side thereof and Heading the litle furlonge on the lower side thereof
It[em] One Halve in that litle furlonge and Shooting one end on the said Head Acre and the other end toward Forde one halve of ye Parsonage land lying on the homeward side thereof.
It[em] One Acre a litle more homeward in ye same furlonge lying on a Lynch: One Acre of the lower farmes land lying on ye Fieldward side thereof under ye Lynch haveing a Lynch on ye other side.
In ye East=Field
It[em] Three Halves in Denacres Shooting on ye Gapp & One Halve thereof is a fore Shooter & Headland towards ye upper end but lyeth altogether; One acre of ye Vicarage land lying on ye homewardside thereof
It[em] Two Acres a litle further in ye same field One end abutting on a Headland of Oliver Corrs & Shooting towards Forde field Two Acres of John Browne lying on fieldward side thereof
It[em] Three Halves lying a litle further One end thereof abutting on ye Southend of a Headland of ye widow Smiths upon Baydon hill & ye other end Shooting towards Crowbush bottome upon a Head acre belonging to New=house land; One Halve of John Jatts on the South Side thereof
It[em] One Halve on Baydon hill Shooting by John Gilberts house & gardens.
It[em] One Acre called Bullocks Acre Shooting from baydon Way upon Robert Pearces Close in Lottage One Acre of Vicarage land lying on ye fieldward side thereof
It[em] One Halve Shooting upp Hinslade; One Acre [of] ye Parsonage land lying on ye homeward side thereof
It[em] One Short Head Acre Shooting up the yonder side of Hinslade; One Acre of ye widow Smiths lying on the homeward side thereof.
It[em] One Halve heading part of ye said Head acre shooting upon Haylynch; One Acre of Newhouse land lying on ye lower side thereof.
It[em] Three Acres more in ye same furlonge Shooting from Haylynch upon ye Highway att Dores Grave being a fore Shooter on ye homeward side thereof.
It[em] One Acre in ye same furlonge lying further toward Baydon Shooting from Haylynch athwart ye highway Two Acres of ye widow Gilberts lying on ye fiedward side
It[em] One halve lying homeward from Dores Grave Shooting athwart the highway; One Halve of Thomas Chamberlaine lying on ye homeward side thereof.
It[em] Three Yards lying in ye same furlonge more homeward one part of ye homeward end Shoots on a headland and the other part heading ye same headland; One halve of Richard Golds lying One[sic] ye fieldward side thereof.
It[em] One Acre on ye East side of Baydon Way ye homeward end Shooting on Threehalves of Newhouse land lying by the highwayes side; One Acre of Edward Wittes lying by ye way on One side & One halve of John Mudges on ye other side.
It[em] Three Halves lying below the Threehalves of Newhouse land aforesaid being a foreshooter; One of Thomas Fowlers lying on ye lower side
It[em] One Halve lying next on ye lower side of ye said Fowlers halve in ye same Furlong.
It[em] One Halve shooting from ye end of ye abovesaid Three halves towards Red=Dean; One halve of Anthony Savorys lying on ye upperside thereof.
It[em] Two litle Halves lying more homeward Shooting over athwart Baydon way; One Acre of ye Vicarage land lying betwixt them
It[em] One Halve lying on ye westside of the same Way one end abutting on ye upper end of Mark Collinses Three Acres and the other end Shooting under Fox Lynch; One halve of ye widow Bacons on ye upper side.
It[em] One halve in the furlonge above Fox Lynch being a foreshooter at ye fieldward end; One halve of Edward Wittses lying on ye lower side thereof.
It[em] One Acre in ye next furlonge more fieldward Shooting towards Haylynch; One Acre of ye Parsonage land lying on ye lower side thereof.
In Rooksberry & ye West field
It[em] Two Acres & a halfe at Calves Street Lane End lying in Two Furlonge Shooting by ye lower Side of ye way from ye Hedge towards Hillwood.
It[em] One Acre on ye same side of ye way Shooting upon Mr Southbys Close hedge; One halve of Thomas Strongs lying next on ye West Side thereof.
It[em] One Acre lying on ye same side of ye way Shooting by the ways side; One Halve of Thomas Strongs lying on the upper side thereof
It[em] One Halve lying a little higher in ye same furlonge under a Bushey Lynch; One Yard of John Pearces lying next upon ye Lynch.
It[em] One Halve next above ye Said yard of John Pearce lying betweene Two Lynches; One end thereof Shooting upon Richard Scories Cranch Acre.
It[em] One Halve upon Holt betweene Two Lynches; One end Shooting upon Ridge Headland and ye other end a litle athwart ye way yt leads to Gaskins Hedge & abutts upon ye Farme Peice.
It[em] Three Yards lying betwixt Ridge & Whetstone Shooting by ye upperside of ye Way yt leads to ye Cow=Common Two Acres of Thomas Strongs lying on ye upperside
It[em] One Head Acre Shooting on ye way yt leads to Sheephouse Dean a litle beyond Picked Cross; A Head Acre of the widow Adees on ye Fieldward side thereof.
It[em] Three Yards lying on ye other side of ye way over against the head Acre aforesaid; One side lying under a Lyinch & ye other side Shooting by ye waye Side.
It[em] One acre Shooting from ye fieldward end of ye said three Yards towards Sheephouse Dean; Two Halves of Tho[ma]s Barleys land lying on each side thereof.
It[em] Three Yards lying above ye way yt leads to Park Yard being ye First land yt Shoots Short of ye way; One end of it Shooting on a head halve of Thomas Collinses which lyeth by ye waye side; Three Yards of Thomas Knackstones lying on ye fieldward side thereof.
It[em] Three Acres lying on ye North Side of ye way lying under Dunstedge; One Short Acre of Thomas Collinses and one Short Acre of John Pearces lying on ye lower side.
It[em] Three Acres lying att ye lower end of Thomas Collmans peice in Dunstedge; ye homeward side lying on a Lynch and ye upper side being headland & ye homeward end Shooting upon Dogg furlonge.
It[em] One Acre in ye Hitching called Pigeonhouse Acre lying betweene Two Linches Shooting upon Mr Southbys Close.
It[em] Six Acres lying beyond Anvill Knowle Shooting upon ye North field; Two Acres of ye Parsonage lande lying on ye homeward side thereof.
It[em] One Acre betweene North Dickham & Haydon Shooting one end on ye North field & ye other end towards Alborne; One head halve of ye Widow Motts lying halfway on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One Acre lying a litle more homeward; One end Shooting toward North Dickham and ye other end on an Acre of Thomas Collmans land; One halve of Vicarage land lying on ye homeward side thereof.
It[em] One Head Acre Shooting down ye yonder side of Haydon; One Acre of Thomas Knackstones lying on ye homeward side.
It[em] Acre Shooting on ye midle of a head Acre; and ye other end Shooting towards North Dickham; One Acre of John Jatts on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One Yard in ye same furlonge Shooting upon ye upper end of ye said head Acre; One head Acre of John Bacons on ye upper side and another on ye lower side thereof.
It[em] Three Yards lying towards the fieldward side of Haydon having Three Yards of Thomas Barley lying on the South and One Acre of William Neate on the North side thereof; One end thereof abutting upon the furlonge that Shoots upp the West Dickham & the other end shooting towards Haydon.
It[em] One Halve lying upon Haydon lying next a Acre of John Pearces lying on the upper side thereof being on the homewardside of Haydon Summerfield.
It[em] One Acre on the yonderside of Haydon One end thereof Shooting upon Mark Collins‘s Running land; and One Halve of Edward Witts‘s on the North side thereof.
In ye North Field
It[em] One halve under haydon Shooting fieldward & homeward, A head halve of ye widow Smiths on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One halve in ye next furlonge more fieldward, One Acre of Edward Witts being Parsonage land on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One Yard on ye lower side of ye same furlonge some part being headland; One Acre of Edward Witts being Parsonage land lying on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One Acre at Grazles Lane end Shooting athwart ye way down by ye hedge side.
It[em] One halve a litle fieldward in ye same furlonge lying on the fieldward said[sic] of threehalves of Edward Witts.
It[em] One halve in ye same furlong which Shoots Shorter; a halve of Anthony Savory lying on ye fieldward side thereof
It[em] One halve lying in ye same furlonge shooting upon Rilebush One halve of Edward Witts lying next ye side thereof.
It[em] Three Yards shooting along Witerub path a peece of Thomas Collmans land lying next below ye path
It[em] One Acre in ye next furlong lying above ye same path One halve of Thomas Knackstone lying on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One halve lying next above ye said halve of Thomas Knackstone in ye same furlong.
It[em] One Acre more in ye same furlonge more higher One Acre of ye Widow Mott lying next on ye lower side thereof all Shooting upon ye Summer field.
It[em] One Yard shooting up in North Dickham being picked at ye lower end; One Yard of Richard Scorys lying on the fieldward side thereof.
It[em] Threehalves lying below ye way heading to East-Lease towards ye further end of Bankslade the homeward end being a foreshooter uon a headland there.
It[em] Two halves on ye upper side of ye way – lying under East-lease hedge in Two furlongs at One anothers Taile.
It[em] One Yard shooting upon ye lower end of ye lower Galleries and ye other end towards ye way heading to Wanbrough; One Yard of Thomas Wilde on the homeward side thereof.
It[em] One Yard lying higher in ye Eastern furlonge; the homeward end Shooting On a headland of John Bacons and ye other end Picked against a Lynch.
It[em] One head halve Shooting up Hooker ditch; being a headland to ye furlong yt shoots upon East=Lease hedge
It[em] One Yard att ye upper end of ye same halve lying ?thereon One Acre of Edward Witts & land of Thomas Knackstone being picked at ye upper end & in ye Sommer field
It[em] One halve Shooting neer ye lower end of ye abovesaid halve; One Acre of Charles Smiths on ye One side & a head halve on ye other side by ye Sommer field
It[em] Three halves lying a litle higher Shooting by part of ye said head halve and by a halve of ye Vicarage land on ye lower side thereof.
It[em] One Yard lying on ye fieldward side of Narrow Dean One Yard of ye widow Smiths on eachside thereof.
It[em] Three Yards lying neer ye lower Yard aforesaid in ye same furlong; Three Yards of Henry Neale lying on the lower side next ye Green Wayside leading to Wanbrough
It[em] One halve called hare=halve Shooting on ye East Downs; One halve of Henry Neale on ye upper side & One Acre of John Bacons on ye lower side thereof.
It[em] One halve lying on ye lower side of Redlands; One halve of ye widow Smith on ye lower side under ye Lynch and a halve of Thomas Collinses on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One halve lying towards ye upper side of ye same furlong the homeward end abutting on an Acre of Thomas Chamberlyns & ye fieldward end Shooting on a headland of John Bacons & a litle Lynch lying in ye lowerside at ye homeward end.
It[em] Three Acres lying more fieldward betweene Two halves Three Acres of Nicholas Goddards on ye upper side thereof
It[em] Three acres & halves lying at ye upperside of ye same furlong On ye lowerside of ye way leading to Wanbrough One Acre of Elizabeth Bacon Widow on ye lower side thereof.
It[em] Nine Acres lying on ye upperside of ye same way; Fower Acres whereof lying under ye Downe; One end thereof abutting on ye way & ye other end abutting on Parsonage Peece; Five Acres whereof lying on ye homeward side of ye Fower Acres abutting on Parsonage lands.
It[em] One Acre lying more homeward shooting on ye Portway & ye other end towards Witcombe One halve of Thomas Curtis on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] One Acre lying a little more homew[ard] in ye same furlong; One halve of Thomas Knackstone on ye homeward side thereof.
It[em] One halve in ye same furlong [on ye homewardside of a] peece of a lynch att the … <unreadable> … side of ye end neer Witcombe; One halve of ye Widow Martyns lying by side on ye lynch.
It[em] One Halve lying a litle lower on part of ye same fur[longe] Shooting athwart ye said way; One head halve of Thomas Chamberlyns lying on ye upper side thereof.
It[em] Three Yards lying on ye lower side of Witcombe; One end towards Witcombe & ye other end towards Three Yards of Thomas Collmans on ye lower side thereof
It[em] One Acre more homewards abutting on a head Acre of Widow P … <unreadable> … abutting on a head Acre of John Lookers; One halve of Thomas Collinses lying on ye homeward side thereof.
It[em] Three halves being headland Shooting upon the Path; One end Shooting towards … <unreadable> … towards Dugemond; One Acre of William Kingston on ye upperside thereof.