DIXON John 1636

Testator: DIXON, John of Alborne, Yeoman

Will Proved: 6th May 1636 in the Archdeacon of Wilts’s Court at Marlborough

Will Signed: 1st January 1635/6

Witnesses: Stephen BARLY, & Richard MORLY

Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/D/89

In the name of God Amen the first day of January in the yeare of o[u]r lord god one thousand six hundred thirty and five and in the eleventh yeare of o[u]r sov[er]aigne lord King Charles I John Dixon of Alborne in the County of Wiltes yeoman being of p[er]fect memory I thanke god do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first and principally I give and bequeathe my soule into the hands of allmighty god my maker and reedemer [sic] and my body to be buryed in the p[ar]ishe churche of Alborne Item I give to John Dixon Grace Keate and Anne Akerman my sonnes and daughters twelve pence apeece Item I give unto anne Akerman a Joyned Chest during her life and after her dicease to remayne unto Thomas Akerman hir sonne. Item I give to my sonne Thomas tenne poundes of lawful money of england Item I give to the three children of Thomas Dixon my sonne a quarter of barly apeece Item my will is that the presse the sile trough the worser Table boord and the malt mill shall remayne contents of the house and my sonne Zachary shall have the use of the mault mill as well as my sonne Thomas Item my will and meaning is that my executor shall not lop nor remove any aple trees nor remove any pales about the tenement Item I give unto Grace Dixon my sonne Zacharie‘s daughter the bed I lye one with the partenances [sic] Item my will is that my sonne Thomas shall have one ?gat post out of the ?plockes next the street and all the reste of them to remayne to my executor Item all the rest of my goodes and Chattells moveable and unmoveable I give and and [sic] bequeathe unto my sonne Zachary Dixon whome I do appoynte to be my sole and whole executor of this my last will and testament and I do Intre[a]t my welbeloved frindes Marke Fowler and Christopher Barly to be my ov[er]seers of this my last will and testament to see it p[er]formed and I give unto each of them three shillings fower pence apeece

Item my will and meaning is that all the legacies before given shall be payed by my executors and ov[er]seers within three quarters of a yeare after my dicease.

Signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of Stephen Barly
Richard Morly
Signe of
John Dixon th’elder
Probatum apud Marlburgh coram Marmaduco Lynne Legium Doctore officili &c Sexto Maij 1636 jurat execut &c.

The Inventory of the goods and Chattells of John Dixon of Alborne in the County of Wiltes yeoman lately deceased taken by Marke Fouler and Stephen Barly the seventhe day of January in the eleventhe yeare of the Reign of o[u]r Souvreign lord King Charles

It[e]m in the hall – two tablebords and frames two benches one forme one Chayre two Joyned Stooles one Cabbord three brasse pots two kitles one brasse pan one skillet one frying pan nine pewter platters one driping pan one payre of Andderons one spite two payre of pothangils two payre of pothookes one ?shilue one salt the wayneskote one linnon whele £4
It[e]m in the Chamber – one fetherbed two fether boulsteres one flocke bed three pillowes two payre and one shete one table Clothe two ?fowrings one payre of blanketes two Joyned bed steads one ??? bedstead one Chest one Coffer one box one presse one bible one tallebord one benche one Chamber potte £6
It[e]m in the buttery three lodging barrells two ?kibers one ?seerche one ?temser two Coules one bucket one tubb two boules one ?? tanket one dossen of spunes tenne trenchers one ?toasting Axe/Ire a tennant sawe one handsawe one bottell one ?steelesticke two Augers one hammer one penceres one wimble one iron wedge one Candlesticke one Shoohorne one dowegrater one pep[er]corne mill one silte troughe one maulte mill two shilues one powdering table one bushell one porke one grindstone £1 10s
It[e]m the goods in the executors hands owed to him £45
the wod in the barton £1
It[e]m his wearing apparell £3
It[e]m all other things and Implementes unnamed 0– 5s
Summe £60 – 15s – 0d
Signe of
Marke Fouler
Stephen Barly
?P[ro]pertum apud Marlburgh
sexto Maij 1636to p[er] execut’x