Aldbourne Heritage Centre


A Constate passed in the Reign of King Charles the first, for the Tenants, Inhabitants and Residents of Aldbourn in the County of Wilts.


Translation of a Constate for Tenants, Residents and Inhabitants of Aldbourn in the County of Wilts.


Charles, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith &c – To all and singular, Mayors, Sheriffs, Constables, Bailiffs, Officers presiding and all others our Ministers and subjects whatsoever as well within Liberties as without, and to each and every of them greeting –

Forasmuch as all the People and Tenants of and resident within our Duchy of Lancaster and every one of them are and ought to be exempt, free and discharged by virtue of and under divers grants and Letters patent of divers former Kings of England from exactions and payment in respect of Theolin, Pawnage, Passage, Lastage, Stallage, Tallage, Pollage, Passage Picage, Murage, and Terrage for their goods things and merchandise in all and singular Fairs and Market Towns, and places whatsoever within and throughout our Kingdom of England.

Wherefore we firmly command you jointly and severally as you will answer the contrary at your peril that upon sight hereof you freely permit and suffer all the People, and Tenants, Inhabitants and Residents of and in our town and Lordship of Aldbourn and the Members thereof – Paral of our Duchy of Lancaster in our County of Wilts to come pass and go with all and singular their goods things and Merchandise at whatsoever Fairs, Markets, Towns and places whatsoever and wheresoever they or any of them or any of their servants shall please without molestation and without Theolin, Pawnage, Passage, Lastage, Staleage Taleage, Poliage, Pecage, Passage, Murage, or Terrage to be exacted had or taken in respect thereoff – And also, moreover we firmly command you jointly and severally to cause the tenor of these presents to be publickly proclaimed in all and singular Fairs and Markets as well within Liberties as without and in all other places whatsoever where it may seem expedient that all the said People and Tenants, Inhabitants and Residents of and in our Town and Lordship of Aldbourne aforesaid and of all the aforesaid Members thereof in the County of Wilts which are parcel of our said Duchy of Lancaster from time to time may freely and quickly go and be in all and singular Fairs, Towns, Markets and places whatsoever with their goods, things and Merchandise without any thing to be taken of them or any of their Servants by reason of these Premises and this under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds to be paid to us by whomsoever or whosoever that shall exact or take any thing from the same people our Tenants, Inhabitants or Residents or any of their servants contrary to the Tenor of these Premises commanding all and every Person it shall or may concern in this behalf to be obedient, aiding and assisting to you and every of you in the execution of these Presents – Provided always that all and every our People and Tenants, Inhabitants and Residents of and in the Town and Lordship of Aldbourn aforesaid and of and in the Members thereof are to pay Theolin, Pawnage & x in all and singular the Fairs, Markets Towns and places whatsoever within our Duchy of Lancaster where any Theolin, Pawnage &c and other dues have before been imposed or paid – anything in these presents contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

In witness whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made patent Dated at our Palace of Westminster – under the seal of our Duchy of Lancaster aforesaid the twenty seventh day of May in the fourth year of our Reign. [1628]



ALDHC 544.

The above is transcribed from an old foolscap-sized thermal photocopy of a typewritten document that has come into our possession. The document does not identify the source of the original.

Theolin  – ? ? ? [May be a mistranslation/transcription in the source document.]
Pawnage [Pannage]  – Payment to the owner of a wood or forest for the right to pasture swine there.
Passage  – A charge or custom levied on people passing through a place; a toll.
Lastage  – A toll paid by traders attending fairs or markets.
Stallage  – A tax or toll levied for the liberty of erecting a stall in a fair or market.
Tallage  – An arbitrary tax levied on their dependents by feudal lords; a municipal tax; a toll or customs duty.
Pollage  – The exaction of a Poll Tax.
Picage [Pickage]  – A toll paid for breaking the ground in setting up booths, stalls, tents, etc. at fairs.
Murage  – A toll or tax levied for the building or repairing of the walls of a town.
Terrage  – A toll or duty paid for landing; landing fees.
Definitions gleaned from the Oxford English Dictionary, 1971 edition