Testator: ADEE, John of Alborne, Mercer
Will prepared: 1st April 1686 [unsigned draft]
Executrix: Elizabeth ADEE, widow
Overseers: Thomas MOTT, John AYRES and Oliver CORR
Inventory prepared: 3rd May 1686 by Gabriel MARTIN, Richard COLEMAN, Oliver CORR and Nathaniel MERRIMAN
Will Proved: 4th May 1686 at Marlborough
Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/A/194
Draft Will
In the name of God Amen the First day of April in the second year of the Reigne of o[ur] Souverygn Lord James the Second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King defender of the Faith &c Anoq[ue] dom[ini] 1686 I John Adee of Alborne in the County of Wilts Mercer being upwards sixty years of Age And in good health & of A competent memory thanks be given to God for the same But calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof And being very willing that all my debts that I owe to any p[er]son should be honestly payed & discharged & willing also that that small estate that the Lord in mercy hath lent me should be so settled and disposed of so that there may bee no discord beetweene my deare wife & Children after my decease doe make and ordeyne this my last will & testament in manner and forme following First and principally I commend my Soule unto Allmighty God my Creator hoping & affirmedly beleeving to receave full pardon & remission of all my Sins in & through the p[re]cious death & merritts of my Blessed Lord Jesus Christ my only Saviour & redeemer And my body I commit to the earth from wherein it was taken to be decently buryed in the p[ar]ish Churchyard of Alborne at the ?Chay according to the discrecion of my Executrix hereafter named And layed as neare where my Father & mother brothers & sisters & children were layen as Conveniently may bee And I doe advise my deare wife not to bee at any greate charge at my funeral – And as for that small estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me my will is that it shall be disposed of as hereafter ws mentioned Firstly I doe desire that greeate care may be taken that all my debts & legacyes may bee payed in six months next after mydecease if it may be with any Conveniency if cannot well be payed in Six months let it not exceed twelve months before all bee payed. Item I give & devise to my deare Son John Adee the house wherein I nowliveth in Alborne with the land belonging to it together with all & singular the App[u]ten[an]ces to the Same p[re]mises belonging To hold unto him my sayd Son Joh from & immediately after my life decease unto him & his heires for ever Charged & chargeable with the payment of ten pounds Ayear p[er] an[num] unto my deare wife Elizabeth Adee by fifty shillings Aq[ua]rter to commence from the day of my death And to Continue for her life And if it shall so happen that shee shall depart this life and the q[ua]rter not expired then my true meaning is that she her exec[utor]s or Assigns shall be payed by my son or his heires proportionally for the time in the last quarter that shee lived or otherwise that if my son or his heirs shall refuse the payment of the aforesayed ten pounds p[er] an[num] to my deare wife my will is & I order that [deletion] it shall bee lawfull for my deare wife quietly & peaceably to hold and enioy all the before devised premises with the App[ur]tenancies during the term of her naturall life without the lett trouble molestation disturbance or denial of my sayed son John or his heirs or of any other p[er]son by his or their meanes tytle or p[ro]curement And my meaning is also that my sayd son shall not have power to Allien or Sell the before devised estate during my wifes life except he secures the aforesaid 10li p[er] an[num] to her content or suffer my sayd wife to enioy the aforesaid p[re]mises for her life Item I give & bequeath unto my sayd son John my Yoateing Stone mault mill Furnace Salting trough table the two biggest table boards the wanscots buttery And all other wanscots & partitions with boards in and about the dwelling house & maulthouse that are fastened to the timber of the house – And my meaning is that not any of these things last bequeathed to my sayd son John shall bee removed out of the house during my wifes life but that they shall remaine there dureing her life for her use – if my son John doe not pay her the 10li p[er] an[num] as aforesayed – And for my other children I having made prevision for eve[r]y one of them already according to my ability shall give them but little upon this my will – because I am willing as much as in my lye to leave such A provision for my deare wife so that shee may pay my debts & have Acomfortable Subsistance while shee remaine in this life And that at the end of her days there may bee somewhat considerable left to give & leave to such of our children that ar most kinde to her & carefull of her & obedient to her so I shall give unto each of my children but Five shilling Apeece And to each of my grandchildren halfe Acrown Apeece – All the rest of my goods & chattles whatsoever unbequeathed my debts legacyes & funeral expences being payed & discharged I give & bequeath unto Elizabeth my deare wife whom I make & ordeyne sole executrix of this my last will & testam[en]t And I doe intreate my loving son in laws Thomas Mott & John Ayers & my loving Friend Oliver Corr to be overseers of this my last will & testament earnestly intreateing them that they will stand by my deare wife in assisting of her in selling of such stock of corne catle carts plowes and all such other goods as may bee spard & is needfull to raise money & in helping to get in such debts as may be owing to mee at my decease to the end that my debts which I owe to any p[er]son may bee payed if it bee possible in less time then I have before limitted for the payment thereof hopeing that when my debts are payed that there will be sufficient left for as my deare wife may have with her industry A competent & comfortable subsistence And that shee will not make any other man master of what shee & I have taken paines for And I give unto each of my overseers halfe Acrown Apeece In Witness whereof that this is my last will & testament I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day & year above written | |
[The above will was neither signed nor witnessed] | |
Will Confirmation | |
Wm Jackson | In hospitis vocat Le Angel Inn in Marlburgh in Com[itate] Wilts Dioc[esis] Saru[m] die Marti[r]j vizt Quarto die mensis Maij An[n]o D[omi]n[i] 1686to cur[iam] Ven[earbi]li Roberto Woodward Legu[orum] Doc[to]re Arch[decan]us Wilts p[ro]cu[ra]tor ??? Theophilus Dyer Notarius publio. Exhibitatior ??? Executorem introviat Compl Mr William Jackson vicar de Aldborn Et in probatem et confirmaconem ?? p[er]?? dixit et deponuit in viri Juram ??? cum p[er] English – That he hath often seen ye hand writeing of the within named John Adee; and doth believe this paper to be his ye s[ai]d John Adee’s proper handwriteing |
Wm Jackson | |
In the hostelry known as The Angel Inn in Marlborough in the County of Wilts in the Diocese of Sarum on the Day of Martyrs, otherwise the fourth day of May 1686 A.D. to the court of the Venerable Robert Woodward, Doctor of Laws, Archdeacon of Wilts before his Procurator Theophilus Dyer, Notary public, appeared of his own free will Mr William Jackson, vicar of Aldborn, and made the following declaration of confirmation on oath in English – | |
Thomas Collman of Alborn huis et ib[ide]m eliam Juratus deposuit that he was well acquainted with ye hand writeing of John Adee within mencioned and doth believe this Will to be his proper handwriting. | |
Thomas Collman | |
John Ayres of Aldborn a near neighbour and well acquainted with ye writeing of John Adee upon his oath now alsoe taken saith that he verily believes ye within written Will to be writt by ye said John Adee. | |
John Ayres | |
Gabriel Martin of Upham in ye parish of Awborn haveing often seen and read letters and other businesses of the within named John Adee’s writeing, & well acquainted with the same sayes on his oath that he beleives the Will within written to be his proper hand writeing | |
Gabl: Martyn | |
Oliver Corr of Awborn afores[ai]d being a very intimate acquaintance and familiar friend of the s[ai]d John Adee saith on his oath that he beleives ye within written bill to be ye proper hand writeing of ye s[ai]d John Adee, & that he hath good reason to beleive it his Will for that about three weeks since, which was shortly before his death the s[ai]d Adee meeting this Depon[en]t told him that he had made his Will and made his wife Exec[utri]x, & that he had made this Depon[en]t John Ayres and Thomas Mott ov[er]seers, and hoped they would not deny him that ??? ??? to see his will performed. | |
Oliver Corr | |
Will Proved | |
Probat’ etc apud Marlburgh Quarto die mensis Maij Anoc Dmi Mill’mo Sexcennio Octogmo Sexto cou’ ven’li viro Rob’to Woodward Leg’um D’c’ore Dno Arch’no’ Wilts per juram’. mrs Elizabethae Relict et Executrix intro nominat Cau’ comissa ??? Adme p[er]t Salvo jure injustin?? etc | |
Theo: Dyer Reg: Depr: | |
Proved at Marlborourgh on the Fourth day of the month of May in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty-six before the court of the Venerable Robert Woodward, Doctor of Laws, Archdeacon of Wilts by Mrs Elizabeth [Adee], relict and Executrix to administer the present case |
Inventory | ||||||||
[First Page] | ||||||||
A true & p[er]fect Inventory Inventory of all & singular the goods Chattles & p[er]sonal estate of John Adee late of Alborne in the County of Wiltes Mercer deceased taken & appraised by us whose names are hereunto subscribed the Third day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1686: as Followeth – | ||||||||
Li | – | s | – | d | ||||
Imprimis His weareing apparrell and money in the house | 10 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Item | In the Shopp | |||||||
Grocery goods now come from London | 13 | – | 14 | – | 02 | |||
Fower peeces of silk Crape | 04 | – | 11 | – | 06 | |||
Two peeces of Gimpe Lace | 00 | – | 06 | – | 00 | |||
One blacke Worsteed Crepe | 02 | – | 14 | – | 00 | |||
One grosse and halfe of silke galloome | 01 | – | 13 | – | 00 | |||
Five pound and halfe of silke | 03 | – | 06 | – | 00 | |||
Fower yards of Checkered silke | 01 | – | 02 | – | 00 | |||
Coloured Threads | 03 | – | 14 | – | 00 | |||
Ribbins and Cottons | 01 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Nailes | 00 | – | 11 | – | 00 | |||
White Threads, Tapes, and Laces | 04 | – | 10 | – | 00 | |||
Pinns, Cards, Buttons, and Combs | 03 | – | 01 | – | 06 | |||
Seeds, spices, reasons, pruines, and some small things in the Boxes | 02 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Ten dozen of Candles | 02 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Hopps and Corks | 00 | – | 18 | – | 00 | |||
Allum, Treacle, and glew | 00 | – | 05 | – | 00 | |||
Thirteene grosse of pipes | 00 | – | 14 | – | 00 | |||
Nine doz: of Stockens | 03 | – | 13 | – | 00 | |||
Five reame and halfe of Paper | 01 | – | 10 | – | 06 | |||
A Quarter of a hundred of Hemp | 01 | – | 03 | – | 00 | |||
Tabacco, and glasses and Earthenware | 01 | – | 18 | – | 06 | |||
Two hundred and halfe of Cheese | 02 | – | 05 | – | 00 | |||
Starch and Twine | 00 | – | 07 | – | 00 | |||
Sope | 01 | – | 09 | – | 00 | |||
Salt and Oatemell | 01 | – | 02 | – | 00 | |||
A Remnant of Tabby | 00 | – | 06 | – | 00 | |||
Thirteene pounds of Yarne, and five paire of worsteed hose | 01 | – | 16 | – | 00 | |||
Severall Remnants of Bone Lace gimpe Lace and galloome | 00 | – | 16 | – | 00 | |||
Linnen Cloth | ||||||||
Canvas | 10 | – | 03 | – | 00 | |||
Dowlis and Lockerum |
20 | – | 10 | – | 04 | |||
Holland, Cambricke and other remnants of Linnen Cloth | 22 | – | 13 | – | 00 | |||
Lincey, Sarge, and Flanell | 03 | – | 08 | – | 06 | |||
Three sett of Draw boxes | 00 | – | 08 | – | 00 | |||
Weights and skales, one Brass Morter One Oatemell Mill and other Lumber | 00 | – | 15 | – | 00 | |||
Books | 01 | – | 10 | – | 00 | |||
Item | In the Hall | |||||||
One tableboard and other furniture | 01 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Brasse and Pewter | 03 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Bacon and other p[ro]vision | 02 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Item | In the Buttery and Brewhouse | |||||||
One Little Furnace Barrells and other brewing Vessels | 01 | – | 10 | – | 00 | |||
Item | In the room over the shopp | |||||||
One Feather bedd bedsteed and all other Furniture thereto belonging | 03 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
One Table board & Clock | 01 | – | 10 | – | 00 | |||
143 | – | 14 | – | 00 | ||||
[Second Page] | ||||||||
Item | In the room over the Hall | Li | – | s | – | d | ||
One Feather bedd bedsteed Curtaines and Valence and all things thereto belonging | 05 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
One Flock bedd | 00 | – | – | 00 | ||||
Item | In the Malthouse | |||||||
One Malt Mill, one Yoaleing stone wood and other Lumber | 03 | – | 05 | – | 00 | |||
Malt and Barly | 04 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Item | In the Lodge House | |||||||
One Flock bedd One Table board, One Little Kitle, One Iron pott, Fower old netts, digging staves with some Lumber | 03 | – | 00 | – | 00 | |||
Item | Fower score and Eight sheepe | 22 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Fower Cowbeasts | 07 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Five horses | 13 | – | 10 | – | 00 | ||
Item | One Wagon, old Carts One plough Rope and harnesse | 09 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Two hoggs, One Sow, and piggs | 03 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Forty Acres of Oates | 30 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Thirty Acres of Barly | 37 | – | 10 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Ten Acres and one Yeard of Wheate | 12 | – | 10 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Three Acres of Filches | 03 | – | 15 | – | 00 | ||
Item | One Acre and halfe of pease | 01 | – | 10 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Three Little Silver Dishes | 00 | – | 10 | – | 00 | ||
Item | The household Linnen | 03 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Good Debts | 55 | – | 02 | – | 11 | ||
Item | In Mr Nathaniel Baylys hands on Retorne | 50 | – | 00 | – | 00 | ||
Item | Desparate Debts | 08 | – | 07 | – | 00 | ||
272 | – | 09 | – | 11 | ||||
The other side | 143 | – | 14 | – | 00 | |||
416 | – | 03 | – | 11 | ||||
Appr[a]ys[ers] | Gab: Martyn | ||
Richard Coleman | |||
Oliver Corr | |||
Nath: Merriman |