Will Proved: 22nd November 1649 by Nathaniel BRENT at London
Will Signed: not stated
Witnesses: Roger SMITH, William JONES
Original held by: The National Archive, Kew Ref: PROB 11/210 fol: 54
In the Name of God Amen Amen I William Addams of Aldeborne in the County of Wilts yeoman being sicke and weake in body but of perfect memory God bee praized, doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme Followinge, First I bequeath my soule into the hands of God in and through the merritte of Jesus Christ, and my body to bee buried in the parish church of Aldeborne aforesaid And all my worldly goods as Followeth (vizt.)

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my sonne Mark Addams all of my landes in Wanborough and Aldeborne to the use and behoofe of my said sonne and his heires for ever. Hee allowinge to his brother Joseph and his sister Katherine the one half of the said landes untill my said sonne Marke shall attayne to the age of Fowerteene Years for the better livelyhood and maynetenance and breedinge up of the said Joseph and Katherine, the other presently after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Joseph all my landes at Marriage Hill in the County of Wiltes aforesaid to have and enioy the said landes presently after his mothers decease. And if his mother dye before my said sonne Marke Shall attayne the said of Fowerteene Yeares that for my said sonne Joseph come to possesse the said lands at Marriage Hill aforesaid Hee shall pay Five pounds A Year unto his said sister Katherine until shee shall attayne the age of twenty Years. my said sonne Joseph to enioy the said landes to her and his heires for ever. I give my said sonne Joseph presently after my decease one meade and platt of ground in Whittonditch being parcell of the said landes at Marriage Hill and excepted out of my wife her ioynture [jointure] as by the said deed of ioynture [jointure] itt doth and may appeare and one scour of sheepe. Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Katherine Three Scoure pounds when shee shall attayne the age of Tenn Yeares to bee Ymployed fo the use benefitt and behoofe of my said Daughter by my said Overseeres and Executrix and my children according to the proportion given within one Yeare next after my decease. Item my will is that my sonne Marke shall have all my standing goods in my house at Aldbourne. That is to say all waynscott, glass, table boarde brushes, cupbords bedsteedes & bed w[i]th the appurtenances thereto belonging. And further my will and pleasure is, That if my said sonne Joseph shall not peaceably and quietly have hold and enioy the said landes and premisses at Marriage Hill aforesaid by reason of the lett trouble or eviction of his said brother Marke his heirs or Assignees, That then my said sonne Marke his heires and Assignees shall pay his said brother Joseph the Summe of Two Hundred poundes as soone and uppon the day and tyme he the said Marke shall lay any claymes or tithes to the said landes, Item I give my three godchildren Ann Addams, William Horne, and Ellinor Hobbes two shillings and six pence a peece, Item I give my man John Cox one Ewe to be paid within one Yeare after my decease, Item all my other goodes and chattels whatsoever moveable and immoveable I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Katherine whome I make and appoynte my full and whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, Item I substitute and ordayne my wellbeloved Friendes and Kinsmen John Colman and Roger Smyth to be overseeres of this my last Will and Testament, And I give to my said Friendes for theire paines twelve poundes a peece, In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand thes day and Yeare First above written, Witnesses Roger Smith, Will: Jones:.
Probatum approbatum et insinuatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram Vener[abilis] et egregio viro D[omi]no Nathaniele Brent Milite legum Doctore Curie Prerogative mag[ist]ro sive Custode t[?]tine contituto Vicesimo Secundo die mense Novembris Anno D[omi]ni Mill[es]imo Sextes[i]mo Quadragesimo Nono, Juramento Catharine Addams relicte dict[e] Defunct[i] et Executrix in huius[mod]o testamento [??] ultima rolun cast nominae Qui commissa fuit Administra[ti]o omniae et singular bonor invent[orum] et creditorum dicte Defunct, De true et fidel[itu]r administrand[itur] eadem, Ad Sancta Dei Evangelia (in debita inris forma) Jurat: Ex[ecute]d