Graffiti Talk Online

I’ve just put the images and text from the graffiti talk onto the website – they can be found here

As mentioned the talk we’re also interested in hearing from anyone who has found names/dates/symbols carved into build materials in their home (Warwick and Valerie are now aware of a name and a date of 1643 on a timber in their lounge). Alternatively if you’d like us to come and have a look and see if we can find anything please also let us know.

One Reply to “Graffiti Talk Online”

  1. Hello and thank you for your very interesting graffiti images.
    I’m a church bellringer at St. Andrew’s, Chippenham and over the last few years have been photographing the graffiti in the bell chamber there.
    I thought that I was the only person who was nutty enough to do such a thing 🙂 but am heartened and very pleased to see that there is someone else out there doing the same thing!
    It was my original hope to trace some of the people who had written the graffiti, but that work has stalled for the moment, although seeing this article might spur me on to start up again.
    Thanks once again,
    Joanna Wheatland

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