Membership Renewal/Application

The purpose of the ACHG is to promote and encourage interest in the heritage of the village and parish of Aldbourne.  We intend to achieve this through talks, discussion, field studies, publications and research.   We also manage the Aldbourne Heritage Centre (AHC) in order to collect, retain and display our local heritage for the benefit of residents and visitors.

Annual membership will run for 12 months from 1st January to 31st  December and will be £15 per adult.   This will entitle members to attend talks and to participate in ACHG events free of charge.

If you would like to support these aims and become a member of the ACHG, then please complete the form below.   Cheques should be made payable to The Aldbourne Community Heritage Group and posted to:  Miss J Lambourn, Membership Secretary, Aldbourne Community Heritage Group, 8 Valley View, Aldbourne, Wiltshire SN8 2AQ.


I/we wish to renew/apply for membership of the ACHG and give permission for the following contact details to be used for ACHG business only.