Aldbourne Heritage Centre

Testator: ANDERSON, Richard of Alborn, Labourer

Will Proved: 29th November 1752 at the Archdeacon of Wilts’s Court in Marlborough

Will Signed: 26th March 1751

Witnesses: John FIDLER, William IZZARD, & Isaac KIMBER

Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/A/397


In the Name of God Amen I Richard Anderson of the Parish of Alborn in the County of Wilts Labourer being sick of Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory praised be almighty God for the same do make this my last will and tesament [sic] in form following (that is to say)
First I recommend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God hopeing thro. the merits death and passion of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life and my Body I recommend to the Earth to [sic] buried at the discretion of my Execut [word unfinished] herein after named and as touching my temporal Estate I give and dispose of the same as followeth
First my will is that all my debts and funeral Expences be payd and discharged and I do hereby charge my personal Estate with the payment of the same
Also I give and bequath [sic] to my now Wife Mary all that my Dwelling House situate standing and being in the Parish of Ramsbury in the County of Wilts and now in the Occupation of Edward Ward from and imediately [sic] after my Death for and during the time that she remain my Widow and no longer and from and immediatley after her deat [sic] or the time she shall be intermarried with any other man
I do give and bequeathe the same to my sones Robert and Edward and to their Heirs for-ever to be eaqually divided be twixt them they my two sd. sons Robert and Edward or their Hairs [sic] or either of them yielding and payind [sic] unto my son Richard the sum of ten pounds of Brittish Mony twelve Months after my Wives Disseas and ten pounds of like Money thay shall pay to my Daughter Elisabeth Warman twelve monts after my Wives Disseas and I do hereby charge my sd. House with the payment of the same
All the rest of my Goods Chattels Efects Estate both Real and Personal I do give and bequathe unto my said Wife Mary for and during the term of her Natural life and no longer and from and Immediate after her Dessease I do Give and bequathe the same unto my two aforesaid Sones Robert and Edward (to be equally shierd betwixt them)
And I do hereby nomenate constistute [sic] and appoint my two sons Robert and Edward my Executors to this my last Will and testament Revoking and making Void all former Wills bequests heretofore by me made and do ordain this to be my last Will and testament
in Witness wereof I have here unto set my hand and seale this twenty sixt day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one

Signed sealed bublished and Declared by the within named Richard Anderson to be his last will and testament in the presents of us who subscribed our Hands in the Presents of the said Richard Anderson a[s] Witneses thereto
The Mark of Jonh [sic] Fidler
William Izzard
Isaac Kimber
the Mark of Richard Anderson
  [Proved] At Marlborough on the 29th Novr 1752 the abovesd Robert one of the Executors (the like power being reserved to Edward) was sworn before me           C Ferrebee Surrogate