STRONG, Thomas – 1773

Testator: STRONG, Thomas of Aldbourne Fustian Maker
Will Signed: 6th June 1770
Witnesses: William GWYNN, Charles KING, Cal[eb] COTTON
First Codicil Signed: 5th October 1770 & witnessed by J MORRIS
Second Codicil Signed: 11th October 1770 & witnessed by John FRENCH, Mary MAY, Martha SHEPHERD
Will Proved: 27th August 1773 at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Original held by: The National Archives Ref: PROB 11/990 folio: 367

In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Strong of Aldbourne in the County of Wilts Fustian Maker being of sound mind memory and understanding do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say I desire that my Body may be decently buried at the discretion and by the direction of my Executors hereinafter named and as to such temporal Estate and Effects which it has pleased God to bless me with, I give and dispose thereof in manner and form following

Imprimis I will and direct all such just Debts that I shall happen to owe at the time of my decease and my funeral Expenses be in the first place paid and discharged

Item I give unto my Brother Richard Strong and to my sister Mary Franklin the Sum of five Guineas each

I give unto my niece Elizabeth Godwin Wife of Edward Godwin of Poulshot five Guineas

I give to my Sister Elizabeth Mudge five Guineas a Year during the term of her natural Life

I give to my Niece Mary Shefford Wife of Thomas Shefford of Marriage Hill the sum of thirty Pounds to be paid into her own hands for her sole and separate use and the same not to be subject to the Control debts or Engagements of her present or any future Husband and her Receipt alone shall be a sufficient Discharge to my Executors for the same

I give to my Niece Ann Clark Wife of Samuel Clark of London the Sum of twenty Pounds

I give to my Niece Sarah Wells Wife of Robert Wells of Aldbourn aforesaid and to my Niece Ann Brown Wife of Stephen Brown of Knighton the Sum of twenty Pounds each

I give to my Nephew Thomas Strong Son of my late Brother John Strong and to Sophia Strong daughter of my late Nephew John Strong and Mary his Wife the Sum of twenty Pounds each

I give to my Nephews Francis Strong and William Strong Sons of my Brother Francis Strong the Sum twenty Pounds a piece

I give to my Kinsman Lawrence Brown Son of Stephen and Martha Brown of Newbury twenty Pounds

I give to my Nephew John Brown of Snapp the Sum of five Guineas

[Inserted in margin] I give unto my Nephew William Brown of Aldbourne aforesaid the Sum of five Guineas [end of insertion]

And I do direct all the aforesaid Legacies to be paid by my Executors out of my Personal Estate within twelve Kalendar Months next after my decease

I give to my Kinsman Robert Wells Son of Robert and Sarah Wells of Aldbourn aforesaid the Sum of twenty Pounds to be paid him when and so soon as he shall attain his age of twenty one years

I give to my Kinswoman Martha Shepherd Daughter of Thomas and Rachael Shepherd of Aldbourn aforesaid the [Sum of] fifty Pounds to be paid her at her age of twenty one years or day of Marriage which shall first happen

I give to my Kinswoman Ann Brown Daughter [words deleted] of John and Mary Brown of Snapp the sum of fifty pounds to be paid her when and so soon as she shall attain her age of twenty one years

I give unto each and every Son of my Nephew Thomas Strong Son of my late Brother John Strong twenty Pounds towards putting them Apprentices to be paid them by my executors at the time of their being bound respectively but in case any of the aforesaid Legatees shall happen to die before he she or they shall become intitled to the said several Legacies so given to each of them respectively as aforesaid then and in each case I will and direct that the Legacy and Legacies of such of them as shall so happen to dye as aforesaid be divided and paid unto the Survivor and Survivors of them who shall be living at the time of my decease in equal Shares and Proportions

I give devise and bequeath unto Robert Wells of Aldbourn aforesaid Sen[io]r the House I now live in with the Shop and Looms thereunto belonging and the lower House thereunto adjoining with the Brewhouse Copper and Tubbs therein and the Garden Backside Stable Barn and Meadow adjoining with their and every of their Appurtenances thereunto belonging and also the half yard Lands which were bought out of Mr Sexton’s estate with the Cow and Sheep Commons and other Appurtenances thereunto belonging together with one acre of Land and two Cow Commons bought of Richard Cox Subject to and Chargeable with the said Annuity of five Pounds and five Shillings per annum to my said Sister Elizabeth Mudge during the term of her natural life

I give to my Nephew Thomas Strong Son of my late Brother John Strong the yearly Sum of Eight Pounds for and during the term of his natural Life and from and after his decease my Will is that the said Annuity or Yearly Income of Eight Pounds shall be paid by my Executors quarterly by even and equal Portions into the hands of [blank] the Wife of him the said Thomas Strong towards the maintenance of the several Children of him my said Nephew Thomas Strong during the term of his natural Life and for the Lives of the several Children who shall survive her

I give to my Niece Sophia Strong Daughter of my late Nephew John Strong and Mary his Wife the yearly Sum of eight Pounds to be paid Quarterly by my Executors into the hands of Mary Strong Widow of my late Nephew John Strong towards the Maintenance and Education of her the said Sophia Strong Daughter of the aforesaid John Strong

I give devise and bequeath unto my Nephew Thomas Strong son of my Brother Francis Strong the yard Lands and a half bought of Thomas Mott being one acre and half inclosed part of that Land being at Love Lanes end which was sold to Nicholas Adams and also the Meadow over the way and opposite to my dwelling House which was bought of the said Nicholas Adams and was late Thomas Franklins having the Meadows or Closes of John Bacon on each side thereof and adjoining to Butts Lane at one end and late Thomas Gilmores Meadow on the West and likewise a half acre of Land with the Appurtenances in Rooksbry Field adjoining to Mr Southbys Meadow having one acre of his on the lower side and a half acre of late Robert Pearces on the upper side thereof this is in the Room of that Ground at Love Lanes end; and also the two acres and half of Land and the Sheep Commons bought of Sarah and John Bazing with their Appurtenances and also the two acres of Land bought of Henry Long with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging To hold all and every the said Houses Lands Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances unto my said Nephew Thomas Strong Son of my said Brother Francis Strong his Heirs and Assigns for ever subject to and chargeable with the said Annuities of eight Pounds to my said Nephew Thomas Strong Son of my late Brother John Strong and Eight Pounds to Sophia Strong Daughter of my late Nephew John Strong during their respective Lives and Conditions aforesaid

and I give devise and bequeath unto my Brother Francis Strong all that House Close Barns and Stable with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging which I bought of Thomas Adams and also the twenty three acres and three yards of Land be the same more or less which were bought of Dorothy and William King with the Appurtenances and also all the Lands which I bought of Mary Francis widow J[oh]n Deacon and Ann his wife containing about seventeen acres and a half with the Cow Commons Sheep Commons and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and also the two three yards of Land bought of Richard Shepherd with the Appurtenances and that Cow Common bought of William Brind Taylor to hold the said House Lands Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances unto my said Brother Francis Strong for and during the term of his natural Life and from and after his decease I give devise and bequeath all the said Lands Tenements and Premises so given and devised to him as aforesaid unto his Son Francis Strong his Heirs and Assigns for ever

Also I give devise and bequeath unto my Nephew Th[oma]s Strong Son of my Brother Francis Strong all those twelve acres of Land on Rudge in Rooksbry Field which I bought of Joseph Shepherd and Sarah his Wife and Charles Smith a Son by a former Husband and Elizabeth his Wife the first two Acres lye betwixt two Lynches and adjoining to the upper side of the Lords Mannor Piece having the Land of Th[oma]s Strong on the homeward Side and the Land of Farmer Smith of East Lease below the Lynch on the lower Side adjoining to three Acres and a yard more of the same Land having Cicelys Path on the upper side and a Lynch and the Land of late Mr Barlys on the lower Side and adjoining to six acres and three yards of the same Land having a Lynch on the lower Side and the rest part of Cicelys Path on the upper Side most part of this Piece adjoining to Mr Hunsdons Land at the upper end To hold the said twelve Acres of Land unto my said Nephew Th[oma]s Strong his Heirs and Assigns for ever and I charge the said Land with the payment of two Shillings quit Rent Yearly to the Earl of Sandwich due at St. Michael for the whole Lands I hold under him

Also I give devise and bequeath unto my said Nephew Thomas Strong all those ten Acres of Land lying in two places in West Field called Galdin which were bought of the aforesaid Joseph Sheperd and Sarah his Wife and Charles Smith and Elizabeth his Wife with the above mentioned twelve Acres the first two Acres adjoining to late Robert Pearces at the home ward end having Lynches on each Side and at the further end adjoining to three Acres of Mark Stoner the other eight Acres at the further side of Galdin having a large Lynch on the lower Side next Sheperds Dean and a little Lynch and the Land of Humphrey Sturt Esq on the hither Side and adjoining at the further end to His Galdins Peice To hold the said ten acres of Land unto my said Nephew Thomas Strong and his Heirs for ever

I give unto my Kinswoman Martha Shepherd Dau[ghte]r of Thomas and Rachael Shepherd a Dressing Table and Glass with a Gilt Frame that stands in the best Room and the Bed and Bedstead Curtains Bolster and two Pillows one Pair of Blankets and one Fustian Blanket and Quilt, the Cupboard and all the China and Tea Chest the Tea Spoons and Sugar Tongs the Silver Cream Cup and Tea Table and the Drawers in the best Room

I give to my Kinswoman Ann Brown Dau[ghte]r of John and Mary Brown of Snap the large Glass behind the long Table

I give to my Kinswoman Sarah Wells the Daughter of Robert and Sarah Wells of Aldbourne the Dressing Table and Glass in my late Wifes Room

I give to my Kinswoman Mary Wells Dau[ghte]r of the aforesaid Robert and Sarah Wells the Drawers below Stairs

I give unto my Kinswoman Ann Clark Daughter of Samuel Clark of London the Silver Salts Glasses and Shovels

I give unto my Kinswoman Martha Brown Dau[ghte]r of Mark Brown of Dunstable the Silver Waiter

I give unto Ann Brown Wife of Stephen Brown of Knighton the Silver Pepper Castor

I give to Stephen Brown Son of Stephen Brown aforesaid the Brass Boiler and Lid

I give unto Robert Wells Sen[io]r the Chest in the best Room above Stairs and the long Table with four or five Stools in the inner Room below Stairs

I give unto Ann Brown Wife of Stephen Brown of Knighton the Chaise and Harness thereunto belonging

I give unto my Kinsman Lawrence Brown Son of Stephen [word deleted] and Martha Brown aforesaid my Riding Horse with the Bridle and Saddle

and all the rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattells Real and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before bequeathed and disposed of after payments of my Debts and funeral Expenses and the Legacies hereinbefore given and bequeathed I give and bequeath the same unto my Nephew Francis Strong Son of my Brother Francis Strong John Brown of Snapp Ann Brown Wife of Stephen Brown of Knighton my Kinswoman Martha Sheperd Dau[ghte]r of Thomas and Rachael Sheperd and my Kinsman Richard Strong Wells Son of Robert and Sarah Wells of Aldbourne together with Thomas Strong Son of my Brother Francis Strong and Robert Wells Sen[io]r of Aldbourne as my residuary Legatees to be equally divided between them and I do make ordain constitute and appoint the said Thomas Strong and Robert Wells joint Executors of this my Will and I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament and none other In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Strong have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy Mem[oran]d[u]m the Erasement on the other side of three whole lines and part of two other lines was made before the signing and sealing thereof, Thomas Strong Signed sealed [word deleted] published and declared by the said Thomas Strong the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto William Gwynn Charles King Cal[eb] Cotton

First Codicil
I do by this Codicil to my above Will declare that the Thomas Strong abovenamed as one of my Executors is the Son of my Brother Francis Strong In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal this Fifth day of October 1770 Thomas Strong  Witness J Morris

Second Codicil
This codicil to my Will annexed I Thomas Strong the Testator therein named do make as follows Viz: I give and devise unto Richard Strong Wells Son of Robert Wells of Aldbourne in the county of Wilts Bellfounder all my three Acres and an half of arable Land with the Commons and Appurtenances situate in the parish of Aldbourn aforesaid and who lately purchased of John Godwin and Ann his Wife or one of them To hold the same Lands Commons and Appurtenances unto and to the use of the said Richard Strong Wells his Heirs and Assigns for ever In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Strong have hereunto set my hand and Seal and do publish and declare this to be a Codicil to my said last Will the eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred [word deleted] seventy and one Tho[ma]s Strong Signed sealed published and declared by Thomas Strong the Testator as a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses John French Mary May Martha Shepherd

This Will was proved at London with a Codicil the twenty seventh day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three before the Worshipful George Harris Doctor Of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful George Hay Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Thomas Strong the Nephew of the deceased and Robert Wells the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of the said deceased was granted they having been first sworn duly to administer.
