BLAGRAVE, Hugh 1682

Testator: BLAGRAVE, Hugh of Alborne

Will Proved: 29th November 1682

Will Signed: 18th January 1680

Witnesses: John NORRIS, Henry LONG, Ann LONG

Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/B/754

In the Name of God Amen,
I, Hugh Blagrave of Alborne, in the County of Wilts, baker, being now in health of body and perfect memory thanks bee to God therefore, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following.

First I give my soul to God my maker hopeing to bee saved by Jesus Christ my redeemer And my body to the earth to bee decently buryed, And for my worldly goods, I dispose of it as followeth.

I give unto my son John Blagrave the sume of one shilling to bee paid to him or his assignes within one month after my decease if the said John Blagrave shall within that space of time lawfully demand the same at the dwelling house of mine executor or executrix.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary, the wife of Henry Shepheard of Alborne, aforesaid, the sume of two shillings and six pence, to bee paid to her or her assignes within one yeare after my decease, And to Mary, Henry and Ann the three eldest children of my said daughter Mary, I give the sume of three pounds of lawful English money to bee equally divided amongst them, within one yeare after my decease. And whereas I have purchased a dwelling house, backside, garden and a little close in Weststreet in Alborne aforesaid of Thomas Coleman for the terme of ninety and nine yeares if I the said Hugh Blagrave, Mary my daughter and my son John Blagrave shall so long live, now my will is that after the decease of Martha my now wife, Martha the daughter of Henry and Mary Shepheard, Hugh the son of the said Henry and Mary Shepheard and Hannah the daughter of the said Henry and Mary Shepheard shall successively hold, have and enjoy the said house, backside, garden and little close for and dureing the aforesaid terme of ninety and nine yeares if either of the aforesasid three lives shall happen so long to live.

Item, I give unto Martha my now wife the aforesaid house, backeside, garden and little close which I bought of Thomas Coleman for and dureing her naturall life, And also another house called Coppedhall in Alborne aforesaid for and dureing her naturall life, and after her decease I give the said house called Coppedhall to my son Hugh Blagrave. Also I give unto her my said wife one halfe acre of land lyeing at Lottage townes end in Alborne aforesaid in a furlong called ?Houslade? which I bought of Mr. Philip Smith dureing the lives of Richard Brind and Thomas Brind both of Alborne aforesaid, for and dureing her naturall life if the aforesaid two lives or either of them shall so long live. And the remainder of the said tenure after her decease to Hugh the son and Martha the daughter of Henry and Mary Shepheard aforesaid, and to the longest lived of them. And all the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable, I give unto her my said wife thom I make and appoint to bee my lawfull executrix of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereoff I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the eighteenth day of January in the two and thirtyeth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God, king of England Scotland France and Ireland, defender of the faith & ……. in the yeare of our Lord God 1680.

Signed, sealed and declared to bee my last will and testament, with the words (Martha the daughter of Henry and Mary Shepheard) interlined in the twentyeth line of these presents before the signing and sealeing hereof. In the presence of
            John Norris
            The marke of Henry Long
            The marke of Ann Long
The marke of
Hugh Blagrave