ADAMS, Richard 1749

Testator: ADAMS, Richard of Ford Farm

Will Proved: 14th July 1749 at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London

Will Signed: 23rd February 1744/45

Witnesses: James GROVER, Samuel BERLANDINA, Joseph X, Nathan LALADY

Original held by: The National Archives, Kew Ref: PROB 11/771/190

In the Name of God Amen
The last Will and Testament of Richd ADAMS
I Richard ADAMS son of Thomas ADAMS deceased of Alburn in Wiltshire declare this to be my last Will and Testament
I do appoint the Brothers John and Thomas HOSIER my Executors In Trust with Mr John ADAMS of London
I do give and bequeath all my Effects and estate in the following manner

  • 1st To my Dear Mother Martha ADAMS the Sum of Ten Pounds
  • 2nd To my Dear Brother Thomas ADAMS the Sum of Ten Pounds
  • To my Dear Sister Martha ADAMS the Sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds
  • To my Dear Brother John ADAMS the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds
  • To my Dear Brother William ADAMS the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds
  • To my Dear Brother Joseph ADAMS the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds
  • To my Dear Sister Mary ADAMS the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds
  • To Mr John ADAMS of London the Sum of One Hundred Pounds
  • To my said Executors John and Thomas HOSIER the Sum of One Hundred Pounds each
  • To Mr Thomas WILKINS of St Crux the Sum of Twenty Pounds
  • To Abraham PINTO of St Crux the Sum of Fifty Ducats Blanqrs
  • To the Poor Moors of St Crux Thirty Ducats Blanqrs
  • To the Poor Jews of Ditto Thirty Ducats Blanqrs
  • Item to Captain John DOBSON the Sum of Thirty Pounds
  • To Bice Hamet o HAMO of St Crux the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs
  • To Mubark TAGADORF of St Crux the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs
  • To my Servant Boy Ehea o LASSEN the Sum of Five Ducats Blanqrs
  • To my Servant Dyra the Sum of Five Ducats Blanqrs
  • To my Servant Hamet o BEN SERE deceased his Family the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs
  • To my Servant Sive el HYAN deceased his Family the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs
  • To Toll DOWED the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs
  • To Toll Bryham Ben MIMON the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs
  • To Merryum Jacob Ben MIMON’s Wife the Sum of Ten Ducats Blanqrs

The remainder of all my Effects and Estate I give to be distributed amongst the first Ten Persons or Legatees herein mentioned Each to take his dividend or share thereof in proportion to the aforesaid expressed Sums gave them (which Persons are as followeth – my Dear Mother Martha ADAMS, my Dear Brothers Thomas John William and Joseph, my Dear Sisters Martha and Mary ADAMS Mr John ADAMS of London John HOSIER and Thomas HOSIER
This I declare to be my last Will and Testament aforesaid Witness my hand and seal in Santa Crux Barbary this the Twenty Third day of February Anno 1744/5 O.S.      “Richd Adams
Signed and Sealed in the Presence of us Witness our hands
            James GROVER, Samuel BERLANDINA, Joseph X, Nathan LALADY.

We underwritten Christian Merchants residing in St Crux Barbary do hereby certify this Will to be a true Copy of the Original (this day exhibited before us)     Signed Richd Adams
In Witness whereof we do hereby set our firms this Twentieth day of March 1744/5 O.S.
          Raymond Marc    Montant, Anthony Marchant.

30th November 1748

Appeared Personally William Tracey of the Parish of Saint John Southwark in the County of Surry Mariner and made oath that for about Seven Years last past he hath used the Barbary Trade as Commander of a Ship and thereby came to know Raymond Marc,      Montant and Anthony Marchant now or late of Sta Crux in Barbary Merchants and hath several times seen them Write and Subscribe their Names and thereby came to know and be acquainted with the Manner and Character of their Handwriting and Subscription and having now carefully viewed the names Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant Subscribed to a Certificate wrote at the foot or bottom of a Paper writing purporting the last Will and Testament of Richard Adams late of Santa Crux in South Barbary deceased beginning thus “In the Name of God The Last Will and Testament of Richard Adams” and ending thus “this I declare to be my last Will and Testament aforesaid and Witness my hand and Seal in Santa Crux Barbary this the Twenty Third day of February Anno 1744/5″ and thus Subscribed “Richd Adams” he saith that he verily believes the said Names Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant to be of the proper handwriting of the said Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant  now or late of Santa Crux in South Barbary Merchants and Saith that they the said Raymond Marc and Anthony Marchant now are and     Montant when living was (as the deponent verily believes) Men of very good Credit and Reputation and Persons who not have attested the truth of any Certificate unless they had known the same to be true “Wm Tracey
The said William Tracey was sworn to the truth of the premises before Me Robt Chapman Surrogate, present Edwd Rushworth Noty Publ.

12th July 1749

Appeared Personally Daniel Marcon of the Parish of Saint Martin Aldgate London Merchant and made oath that he for several Years corresponded with Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant and now or late Merchants of Santa Cruz in South Barbary and on occasion of such his correspondence the deponent hath at times received sundry Letters from them and thereby came to know and be acquainted with  the Manner and Character of their Handwriting and Subscription and having now carefully viewed the Names Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant Subscribed to a Certificate wrote at the foot or bottom of a paper writing purporting the last Will and Testament of Richard Adams late of Sta Crux in South Barbary deceased beginning thus “In the Name of God Amen The Last Will and Testament of Richard Adams” and ending thus “this I declare to be my last Will and Testament aforesaid and Witness my hand and Seal in Santa Crux Barbary this the Twenty Third day of February Anno 1744/5″ and thus Subscribed “Richd Adams” he saith that he verily believes the said Names Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant to be of the proper handwriting of the said Raymond Marc,     Montant and Anthony Marchant now or late of Santa Crux in South Barbary Merchants and Saith that they the said Raymond Marc and Anthony Marchant now are and the said     Montant (when living) was (as the deponent verily believes) Men of good Credit and Reputation and Persons who not have attested the truth of any Certificate unless they had known the same to be true “Daniel Marcon
The said Daniel Marcon was sworn to the truth of the premises before Me Robt Chapman Surrogate, present Edwd Rushworth Noty Publ.

This Will was proved at London before the Worshipfull Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the Fourteenth day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Nine by the Oath of John HOSIER one of the surviving Executors named in the said Will To Whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of the said deceased being first Sworn duly to administer (Power reserved of making the like Grant to Thomas HOSIER the other Surviving Executor when he shall apply for the same).      Exd.