Aldbourne Heritage Centre

Testator: ADAMS, Nicholas of Alborne

Will Proved:

Admon issued: 14th March 1721/22 by Thomas Frampton at Marlborough

Will Signed: 4th November 1721

Witnesses: Leo[nard] FLETCHER, R[icardu]s WYCHE Not[ary] surr[ogate]

Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/A/292

In the Name of God Amen
I Nicholas ADAMS of Alborne in the County of Wilts husbandman being aged & weak in Body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God for the same do make & ordain this to be my p[re]sent last will and Testament in manner and forme following first and principally I recommend my soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it hoping through the meritt, death & passion of his only sonne Jesus Christ, my only Saviour & redeemer to have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my Sinnes and thereby to inherit everlasting life and my body I committ to the earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named, and as touching the disposition of all such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased allmighty God to bestow upon me I give bequeathe & dispose thereof in manner and forme following

  • Imprimis I will that all my debts & funeral expenses be first paid and discharged
  • Item I give unto my Sonne Nicholas One Shilling
  • Item I give and devise unto my daughter Mary the wife of William DUDLEY* all that my freehold house and houseing in the Butts of Alborne afores[ai]d wherein I now live with the Backsides and Gardens thereunto belonging to hold to her and her heirs for ever after the death and decease of Anne my now wife,
  • All the rest and residue of my personall Estate goods Chattels ready money debts to me owing and all other things not herein before given devised and bequeathed I do hereby give and bequeathe unto Anne my dear and loveing wife

      whome I do hereby make my full and sole Executrix of this my p[re]sent last will and Testam[en]t revokeing disannulling and makeing void all former and other wills by me heretofore made and do declare this to be my last will and Testam[en]t, and after the decease of Anne my now wife my will is further that all my goods, Chattells and money that shall be left after the decease of my said wife shall be divided into four equall parts, and my said sonne and daughter to have two of their parts, and the children of my daughter TITCOMBE to have one other part or share divided bewixt them share and share alike and the other part thereof to be divided betwixt the Children of my son John.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Seal the Fourth day of November Annoq[ue] Dom[ini] 1721.

Signed Sealed Published and declared in the p[re]sence of us
            Jo[shua] PIZZIE
            The Mark of Thomas X DIXSON
            The Mark of Abigail X BRIND.
The Mark of
Nicholas Adams

[*   sic – actually William LUDLOW]

Renunciation of Probate

Know all men by these presents, that I Anne ADAMS Relict & Executrix nam’d in the Last Will & Testament of Nicholas ADAMS of Aldborn in the County & Archdeaconry of Wilts & Diocese of Sarum Decd for Diverse good Causes and Considerations me Especially moveing I do renounce relinquish & refuse all & all manner of right or title Clayme & demand w[hi]ch by the S[ai]d Will or by any Law Statute or any other manner of means I have in or to the probate & Execution of the Said Will. And do permitt suffer & desire as far as in me Layeth, any Ordinary or Competent Judge in th[a]t Behalf; to Comit, or grant L[ette]res of Administration Annex’d to the true Attested Copy of the S[ai]d Will to Thomas BRIND of Aldborn Afores[ai]d my very good friend. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & seal the Second day of March Annoque D[o]m[ini] 1721

Sign’d Seal’d & deliver’d in the p[re]sence of Us
            Rob[er]t CHURCH
            Fra[ncis] GREENAWAY
The Mark of
Anne X Adams

Grant of Administration

Noverint univ[er]si p[er] p[re]sentes Nos Thomas BRIND de Alborne in Com[itate] Wilts Agricolam et William LUDLOW de Alborne Junr agricolam ten[er]i & furnit[ur] obligari ven[erabil]i viri Exton SAYER LL Doctor Arch[diaco]natus Wilts off[icia]li ??? constitut[e] in Quadragint[e] libris bona & leg[a]lis Monet[ae] Magnae Britan[niae] Solvend[is] eidem Exton SAYER aut Suo certo Attornat[o] Executoribus Administratoribus vel assignatis Suis ad quam quidem Soluc[i]onem bene et fidelit[er] faciend[am] Obligamus nos et utrumque n[ost]rum p[er] se p[ro] toto & in Solido Haredes Executores & Administratore n[ost]ros utrumlib[et] n[ost]rum firmit[er] p[er] p[re]sentes Sigillis n[ost]ris Sigillat[um] Dat[um] Decimo quarto Die Mensis Martij Anno r[eg]ni D[o]m[in]i n[ost]ri Georgij Dei gra[tia] Magnae Britanniae Franciae & Hiberniae Regis Fidei Defensor &c Octavo Annoq[ue] Dom[ini] 1721o.

The Condition of This Obligation is such that Whereas Anne ADAMS the Relict & Executrix named in the last Will & Testament of Nicholas ADAMS late of Aldborne Husbandman dec[eas]ed did in writeing renounce her Interest and resigne all right to Thomas BRIND of Aldborne aforesaid her friend and desire that Letters of Adm[inistra]cion of the goods of the said Dec[eas]ed with his Will annex’d If therefore the above bounden Thomas BRIND (accepting the Burthen & Execution of the said Will) Shall well and truely Execute and p[er]forme the same according to Law and faithfully administer all & singular the goods Chattells and Creditts of the said deceased Nicholas ADAMS and a true account of his said Adm[inistra]cion render when Lawfully required And in the mean time Exhibit into the Registry of the Archdeacon of Wilts a true & p[er]fect Inventory of all & singular the said Deceased’s goods which have or shall come to his hands or to the hands or poss[ess]ion of any other p[er]son for him Then this Obligation to be void or else to remaine in full force.

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
            Leo[nard] FLETCHER
            R[icardu]s WYCHE Not[ary] surr[ogate]
The Mark of
Thomas tB BRIND
The Mark of
William O LUDLOW

14 Martii 1721
Jurat Thomas BRIND Administrator cu[m] Testamenta
annex[ato] (Renunciate in Scriptis Anna Relicta &
Executrix) apud Marlborough cora[m] Thoma[m]
FRAMPTON Vicario de Broad Hinton Surro[gato] &c
p[re]sente me
Ri[cardu]sam: WYCHE Reg[istra]rio