Aldbourne Heritage Centre

Testator: ADAMS, Mell of London

Will Proved: 8th November 1726 by Edward Kinaston at London

Will Signed: 25th December 1725

Witnesses: James CHIVERS, John BARGMAN, William ADAMS

Original held by: The National Archive, Kew Ref: PROB 11/611 fol: 247

In the Name of God Amen I Mell Adams of London Grocer do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say Imprimis my Will and mind is that after all my just debts and funeral Expenses shall be paid and satisfied by my Executrix hereinafter named to whose discretion I leave it decently to see me interred then as to all and singular my real and personal Estate of whatever kind soever I shall dye seized or possessed of I do give and devise the same as followeth viz. my mind and will is and I do hereby give and bequeath to my loving Sister Sarah Adams and her heirs all that Messuage or Tenement with Stables Yards and Gardens thereunto belonging Situate and lying in Alborn in the County of Wilts known or called by the name of the Crown Inn now in the possession of John Lyddyard which was purchased by my father Edne Adams and by his last Will gave me which now I give and bequeath to my said sister and to her heirs also I give and bequeath to my said sister Sarah Adams all my right title and Interest which came to me by the last Will and Testament of my unkle Phillip Mell in that Estate in Rotherhith in the County of Surrey which he purchased of my Grandfather Gustavus Adolphus Mell and at his decease in the Occupation of             [marginal note “ori[gina]le”] Alexander now in the possession of Edward Swallow and my unkle Walter Mell out of which I was to have ten pounds a year after the decease of my said Granfather Gustavus Adolphus Mell and my Grandmother his wife and further ten pounds per annum more out of the same premises after the decease of my aunt Henrietta Steers with other benefits to me by my said unkle Philip Mells’ Will and thereby appears of which I have received no satisfaction so that what is due to me on arrears of the mentioned sums of twenty pounds per ann[um] with what else is my right therein I give unto my said Sister Sarah Adams and her assigns Item I do hereby constitute and appoint my said loving Sister Sarah Adams sole Executrix desireing my loving unkle John Adams to assist ther of this my last Will and Testament and I do give unto my said Executrix Sarah Adams all the rest and residue of my Estate of what kind soever And lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do appoint this only to be and contain my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty fifth day of December Anno Dom[ini] 1725. Mell Adams. signed sealed published and declared by the said Mell Adams to be and contain his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator and the words (and her heirs) and (per annum) being first interlined. In witness James Chivers J[oh]no Bargman W[illia]m Adams.

Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum apud London coram venerabili viro Edvardo Kinaston Legum Doctore Surrogato venerabilio et Egregij viri Johannis Bettesworth Legum Doctorio Curia Prerogative Cantuariensis magistri Custodie sive Commissarij legitime constitute Octavo die mensis Novembris Anno Domini Millesimo Septinentesimo vicesimo sexto Juramento Sara Adams Soluta et Executricio in dicto Testamento nominat Cui Commissa fuit administration omnium et singularum bonarum jurium et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad Sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat.