Aldbourne Heritage Centre

Testator: ADAMS, George the Elder of Alborne

Died: 20st September 1694

Will Proved:

Inventory prepared: 1st October 1694 by Thomas Collman and Edward Witts

Will Signed: 5th February 1693

Witnesses: Jo[shua] PIZZIE, Elizabeth PIZZIE and Abigail KIMBER

Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/A/221

In the Name of God Amen
The Sixth Day of February in the Fifth year of the Reigne of our Sou[ver]aigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queene Defenders of the Faith xt[c] Annoq[ue] Dom[ini] 1693. I George Adams the Elder of Alborne in the County of Wiltes yeoman being aged but in good health of Body and of sound and perfect Mind and Memory Praise be therefore given to Almighty God for the same Doe make and Ordaine this my Present Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) First and Principally I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the Meritts Death and Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free Pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and to inherit Everlasting Life And my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. And as touching the disposition of all such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and Dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis I Will that all my Debts and Funerall Charges shall be paid and discharged Item I give unto my Loving Wife Joan Ten pounds of lawfull money; and the Moity or One half of all my household goods And the parlour (and Chamber over the same parlour) of the Messuage or tenement wherein I now Live with free liberty of ingress egress and regress into, out of, and from, the same Parlour and Chamber through my hall, and all other usuall waies and Passages, into my Backside unto the Well there; and into the Street. And alsoe free use of the said Well To have and enjoy the same Parlour; & Chamber; and free use of the Well for and during her natural Life and my Will is that my Executor hereafter named Shall provide for, and bring unto, my Said Wife a good and sufficient wagon Load of good hard wood yearly and every year during all the terme of her natural Life att or upon the First Day of November in every year of the said terme or within Ten Dayes after the same day; and alsoe find and allow Sufficient room to lay the same wood in some dry house for the use of my said Wife during all the said terme of her natural Life. Item I give unto my Sonne George One Shilling And Whereas my said Sonne George is now Justly Indebted and oweth unto me a Certain Summe of lawfull money, If then Mr Read Father in Law to my Said Sonne George shall and doe freely give and deliver unto my said Sonne George his Executors Administrators or assignes half soe much of like lawfull money. And alsoe If my said Sonne George or his Heires neither shall nor doe, by any waies or means whatsoever Contend with, trouble, or molest, my Said Executor in, by, or with, the Law, or in, or by, any other ways or means whatsoever for or in Respect of all, or any parte of my free Land Leasehold Land Messuage or Tenement or Tenements Goods and Chattells herein and hereby afterwards given and Devise to my Said Executir and his Heires for ever, nor cause any Law Suites or troubles whatsoever for or concerning the same That then and upon those Condic[i]ons only I give and bequeath unto my Said Sonne George all the Said Summe of money Item I give unto all my other Children and my Grandchildren half a crown apiece Item I give and Devise unto my Sonne Thomas and his Heires for ever my freehold Messuage or Tenement wherein I now Live and all the half yardlands thereunto belonging Lying and being in Alborne aforesaid and all other my freehold Tenements and Lands whatsoever within the Parish of Alborne aforesaid; And further I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne Thomas all my Leashold Lands amd Tenem[en]ts whatsoever. And I doe hereby make nominate and appoint my said Sonne Thomas whole and Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament To whome I give all the rest of my Goods and Chattells not herein bequeathed. And I Revoke all former Wills by me made and doe publish this to be my Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have unto this my Last Will and Testament sett my hand and Seale the day and year First above written.

Signed Sealed and published in the p[re]sence of
            Jo[shua] PIZZIE
            The Mark of Elizabeth PIZZIE A
            Abigail KIMBER.
The Mark of
George Щ ADAMS the Elder


The fearst day octo[ber] 1694
A infentary of the goods And Chatalls of Georg Adams late deceased the 21[st] day of Septem[ber] 1694

Goods in the parler 2-0-0
The Bad And all as belongeth to him And other goods in him which is Called the parler Chamber 6-10-0
In the to [other?] rums a-bove the bad And other Lumber 4-0-0
In the hall Chamber a Bad And other goods 6-0-0
Bras[s] and Pewter 8-10-0
The wooden vassells And other Lumber 3-0-0
to pidgs 2-0-0
four Cows 10-0-0
The goods att ford 5-0-0
Wood 2-0-0
In pu[r]s And plate And in money due 210-0-0
LearsHould And resexter gear 135-0-0
Exays by Us
            Thomas COLLMAN
            Edward WITTS