ADAMS, Edney 1711

Testator: ADAMS, Edney of London, Grocer

Will Proved: 4th January 1710/11 at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London

Will Signed: 12th December 1710

Witnesses: Henry MAY, Jno WARNER, & John ROGERS

Original held by: The National Archives Ref: PROB 11/519/19


In the Name of God Amen I Edney Adams Citizen and Grocer of London Do make and declare this my last Will and Testament

Imprimis I will and order that my just Debts and Funeral expences be paid and satisfied And that all and singular my Goods Chattles and personall Estate as soon after my Decease as conveniently may be fairly appraised and valued and divided unto three equall parts shares and proportions One full and equall third part whereof I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Sarah Adams as to her belonging by the Custom of the City of London One other Third part thereof I give and bequeath unto my Son and Daughter Mell and Sarah Adams equally between them And as to the Third Third or part which is in my own power to dispose of I give and bequeath thereout unto my loving Brother John Adams and loving Cousin John Scaplehorne the summe of Five pounds apiece And the Residue of the said Third part my Will and order is shall be divided into two equall parts or shares And one full and equall Moiety or half part of such Residue of the said last Third part I give and bequeath unto my said loving Wife And the other Moiety or half part to my said Children equally between them share and share alike

Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said Brother John Adams and Cousin John Scaplehorne all my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments at Colchester or elsewhere in the County of Essex To hold to the said John Adams and John Scaplehorne their Heirs and Assignes for Ever In Trust nevertheless and to the intent and purpose that the said John Adams and John Scaplehorne or the survivor of them or the Heirs of such survivor do sell the same to the highest bidder or for the most they can gett And the Money ariseing by such sale I order and direct shall be divided unto two equall parts shares and proportions one full and equall Moiety or half part of such Money I give and bequeath unto my said loving Wife And the other Moiety or half part therof I give and bequeath unto my said two Children Mell and Sarah Adams equally between them share and share alike My Sons Legacies to be paid him at his Age of one and Twenty years and my Daughters at her Age of one and Twenty Years or Day of Marriage which shall first happen And if either of my said Children dye before Age or Marriage of my said Daughter as is before limited the survivor to have the part or share of the party dyeing And my Will and desire is that my Childrens Portions be put out at Interest on good security and the improvement to be made thereof be likewise paid to them at the respective times before limited

Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Mell Adams and his Heirs and Assignes for Ever all my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments at Awborne in the County of Wilts But in case my said Son Mell shall happen to dye or depart this Life before he shall attain his said Age of One and Twenty Years without issue of his Body lawfully to be begotten Then I give devise and bequeath the said Messuages Lands and Tenements unto my said Daughter Sarah Adams and to her Heirs and Assignes for Ever And if my said Daughter shall happen to dye before she attain her said Age of One and Twenty Years without issue of her Body lawfully to be begotten Then I give devise and bequeath the same unto my Nephew Edney Adams Son of my Brother George Adams and to his Heirs and Assignes for Ever
Item I constitute and make my said loving Brother John Adams and Cousin John Scaplehorne full and joynt Executors of this my Will revoking all former Wills by me made and establishing these presents to be and stand as and for my last Will and Testament

In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this Twelfth Day of December Anno Dom. 1710 and in the Ninth Year of the Reigne of our Soveraign Lady Anne Queen of Great Britain &
[Signed] Edne Adams

Signed Sealed and by the said Edney Adams the Testator published and declared as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
[Signed] Henry May
[Signed] Jno. Warner
[Signed] John Rogers

Proved in London 4 January 1710 (Stylo Anglia) by John Adams brother and John Scaplehorne said executors.