Aldbourne Heritage Centre

Testator: ADAMS alias SKORY, William of Snap
Will Proved: 5th June 1627 at Devizes
Inventory prepared: 5th May 1627 by Richard SKORY and Thomas SMART
Will Signed: 5th March 1624
Witnesses: Richard SKORY, Thomas SMART
Original held by: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Ref: P3/S/245

William Skory al[ia]s Addames of Snapp in the P[ar]ish of Alborne in the County of Wilts Yeoman did make this last will & Test[a]m[en]t the Fyfth day of March in the yeare of o[ur] Lord god one thousand Six hundred twenty & fouer beinge of p[er]fect memorie in manner & forme fowellowinge Item I give unto my sonne Richard Skory the somme of five pounds in money Item I give to sonne William Skory foure pounds in money Item I give to my Sonne Robert Skory the somme of Tenne pounds in money Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Skory the somme of Twentey pounds in money all [s]uch somme of money is to be payed at One & twentey yeares of age yf aney of them happen of Chance to dey before they Come fully to the age of One & twenty yeares that then my last Will & test[a]m[en]t is yt shall remayne backe unto John Skory al[ia]s Adames my Eldest sonne whome I make my sole executor of this my laste will & test[a]m[en]t.

    Rich[ard] Skory
    Thomas Smart
Probatun apud le[?] Devizes in curam viro Joh[ann]e Davis cle[r]co et Sur[ruga]to vener[abi]lis viri Marmaduci Lynne legum doctoris offi[cia]lis etc[etera] quinto Junij 1627mo

The Inventory of all the goodes and Chattels of William Addams all[ia]s Scorye of Snapt in the P[ar]rishe of Aldborn in the County if Wiltes Yeoman made the vth Day of May in the Yeare of o[ur] Lord god one Thousand Sixe hundred twenty & Seaven [a]praised by Thomas Collenes & Marke Fowller

Imprimis in the halle one Table Bord w[i]th a Forme one Chaire one Cobard one forme one Binche xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 3 Coshens one Cobard Cloth xijd 1s 0d
Item 4 panes of glasse xviijd 1s 6d
Item 3 Table Cloothes vjs viijd 6s 8d
Item 4 Napkins ijs 2s 0d
Item in the Chamber 1 Joyned bedstid on fether bed two bowsters 2 pillowes 2 pillowe bears 2 Coverlits one peare of blankets iiij£ £4 0s 0d
Item 1 Cheste 2 Coffers & 2 Boxeses xs 10s 0d
Item 3 peare of Sheetes xvs 15s 0d
Item in second Chamber 2 standing bedstids 1 flock bed 2 Coverlits 2 bowsters 2 blankets 1 Cheste 2 Coffers xls £2 10s 0d
Item in the thirde Chamber 1 standing bedstid 1 flocke bed 2 Coverlits 1 blankett xxs £1 0s 0d
Item in the kichen 1 Furnesse 4 potts 2 panns kettels 1 bason 2 skillats 2 Candlesticks 1 spice morter 2 skimer 1 brassen ladell £5 0s 0d
Item 3 peare of hangels 3 peare of pothookes 1 broche one peare of Anders 1 Dripping panne one plate vijs 7s 0d
Item 1 Irone Wedges 1 hatchet on bill vijs 7s 0d
Item 1 Tennante Sawe 1 handesawe 4 Augers 1 square 3 Chissels 2 gouges 1 Irone Dogge 1 Coopers shave 1 Ads 1 wimble Throw 1 Dresser 1 Foorme jxs 9s 0d
Item 1 Malte Mill vis viijd 6s 8d
Item 1 Wate 2 Uplandes[?] 4 Cowles 3 kevers xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 1 Boshell 7 drinke 1 kever 1 Cobard 2 Coffers xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 1 Kaste heare & 4 sacks vs 5s 0d
Item 1 Cheese presse w???binge sheete ijs 2s 0d
Item 4 flitches of bakon iij£ £3 0s 0d
Item 1 padle staffe vjd 6d
Item in the wolle howse for woolle xijs 12s 0d
Item 4 olde Tubs js 1s 0d
Item 24 boshels of malte liiijs £2 14s 0d
Item 2 payles 2 buckets xviijd 1s 6d
Item 5 bottels ixs vjd 9s 6d
Item 1 dozen of platters 5 sausers 1 salteseller ii dozen & a halfe of spones 1 Frying panne xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 1 Cradle 1 stoone Bowe vjs viijd 6s 8d
Item 1 Byble & 2 prayer Booke vs 5s 0d
Item 1 beame scalles & waites iiijs 4s 0d
Item 3 shilvs 1 Cheese racke 1 Butter Charne + trundles 2 binches iijs 3s 0d
Item 1 grindstoone ijs 2s 0d
Item 1 Sythe & olde Ire xijd 1s 0d
Item two shovles 3 pitching picks ijs iijd 2s 3d
Item Irebound Cowle 1 Dungepott 1 peare of lyttell wheeles iiij£ £4 0s 0d
Item 1 plowe 4 farrowes w[i]th the parrell there unto beelonging xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 4 quarters of wheate vj£ £6 0s 0d
Item 1 Stann[?] iijs 3s 0d
Item 6 hundred of Boordes 1 harow 1 exe xls £2 0s 0d
Item 4 stockes of bees xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 2 ladders iiijs vjd 4s 6d
Item 4 horses w[i]th their harnis xij£ £12 0s 0d
Item for wood & haye iij£ £3 0s 0d
Item 1 woodrope & a Carte rope ijs vjd 2s 6d
Item 6 Milche Kyne xvj£ £16 0s 0d
Item 1 Karelinge & two Calves xlvjs viijd £2 6s 8d
Item 52 sheepe & Fortye Lambes xxv£ £25 0s 0d
Item 14 Acares of wheate xxiiij£ £24 0s 0d
Item 24 Acares & a halfe of Barly xxij£ xs £22 10s 0d
Item 20 Acares of Peason & otes xiiij£ £14 0s 0d
Item 1 Sowe & Sixe piggs xxs £1 0s 0d
Item 21 stoore Piggs xls £2 0s 0d
Item for the Executors yeare xxx£ £30 0s 0d
Item for his Suites of Apparill £5 0s 0d
Item his Wyves Apparrell 2 gowndes 1 pettycoate 1 silke kertle a Cloake & a Savoyard & a hatte iij£ £3 0s 0d
Item for poultry & other small thinges vs 5s 0d
Summa tot[alis] 202£ 8s 5d £202 8s 5d
Exh[ibitu]m curam viro Joh[ann]e Davis Cle[r]co in actibus bacc Sur[ruga]to vener[abi]lis viri Marmaduci Lynne legum doctoris offi[cia]lis etc[etera] quinto Junii 1627mo